Former Chicago detective who helped expose Jussie Smollett hoax offers warning about Kamala Harris

 July 25, 2024

President Joe Biden is out of the running, and Vice President Kamala Harris has been thrust into the limelight. 

While she might have enjoyed the extra headlines at first, that seems to be changing as her critics from both sides dig in and reveal exactly who she is and what she's all about.

According to the New York Post, Eugene Roy, a retired Chicago Police Department chief of detectives, recently opened up to Fox News about the type of person Harris truly is, warning viewers that she's not a good bet to make national and global decisions for the nation.

Roy was one of the Chicago detectives who helped expose former "Empire" star Jussie Smollett's hate crime hoax, and he pointed out Harris' reaction to the case at the time.

What did he say?

Harris had thrown her full support behind Smollett long before the facts surfaced. What was originally a claim of being a victim of a hate crime turned out to be a monumental hoax perpetrated by the struggling actor.

"This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate," Harris, a California senator at the time, wrote.

Roy pointed out that Harris rushed to judgment in the Smollett case and made a "hasty decision before all the facts are known," which is especially unsettling for someone who was the top prosecutor for the state of California.

The NY Post noted:

Weeks later, when it was revealed Smollett was under investigation for falsifying a police report, Harris posted that she was “sad, frustrated and disappointed” after learning he made “false claims to police.”

"It’s one thing to express your support for a friend. It’s another thing to use your platform as a government official to prejudge a case before it’s played out," Roy told Fox News.

Roy warned that Harris is quick to judge base on issues outside of the known facts, saying, "People see who has made hasty judgments about controversial issues and, hopefully, they keep that in mind when they evaluate the merits of the candidates."

Kamala being crowned?

In the wake of Biden's resignation, the DNC worked overtime to anoint Harris -- who polled worse than Biden in many cases - as the top of the Democratic ticket.

While she has received a dizzying number of endorsements in a short period of time, some believe that she's not guaranteed to be the Democratic nominee.

She has the money and infrastructure to be the best candidate on paper, but Harris is extremely unlikable and has a difficult time connecting with working-class Americans on any important issue.

Her complete lack of accomplishments and overall failure as a vice president also has many in her party worried about taking on former President Donald Trump, and rightfully so.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson