Former NATO chief says Obama administration hesitancy causes global conflicts

 January 19, 2024

The former Secretary-General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, outlined his belief about what the underlying issues are that cause international conflict. 

The former NATO chief, who served under the Obama administration, asserted that the United States' reluctance to take the initiative on the international arena during the Obama administration is the root cause of the crises that have arisen in Ukraine, Taiwan, and the Middle East, as The Washington Examiner reported.

According to Rasmussen, the Obama administration "retreated" from its position in the Middle East, which is something that previous President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden have continued to participate in.

According to Rasmussen, the administration of former President Barack Obama failed to take sufficient action in response to the annexation of Crimea in 2014.

This move has allowed Russian President Vladimir Putin to launch an attack on Ukraine.

Rasmussen's Comments

“Time and again we see that … if the U.S. is not exercising global leadership, then the bad guys would take advantage of the situation,” Rasmussen told Politico in an article published on Wednesday. “When America leads, then the bad guys retreat.”

Over the course of more than a century, ever since the United States of America became an international power, it has been serving as a worldwide police force.

According to Rasmussen, the United States' policing efforts are essential to the preservation of order in both Europe and the Middle East.

“For good and bad, we need a global policeman, and the U.S. is the only power on Earth that can exercise that job,” the former NATO leader said.

It has also been highlighted by other European leaders that the United States plays a significant role in ensuring the safety of Europe.

Additional Concerns

On the other hand, alarm has been voiced by a few individuals regarding the likelihood of Trump returning to the White House and causing damage to relationships with significant allies.

“The U.S. is a guarantor of European security. That’s a fact,” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said.

The former NATO official went on, asserting that the part the United States plays in international peace and, subsequently, often in conflict, cannot be understated: “I’m not even starting to think about the scenarios that would change the posture of the United States."

Additionally, Landsbergis is of the opinion that the primary defense of Europe must originate from within its own continent. It was important, according to him, to have a more robust defense in Europe, in addition to maintaining the alliance with the United States.

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