Former Pakistani prime minister hit with 2 prison sentences just days before election

 January 31, 2024

A shady situation developed in Pakistan this week regarding the country's former prime minister, who was just jailed for 10 years.

According to the BBC, former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan was sentenced to 10 years in jail just days before the country's general election.

Not surprisingly, Khan and his supporters believe the sentencing to be politically motivated.

The sentencing resulted from charges that Khan was leaking state secrets -- charges he denies.

What's happening?

In late-breaking news, Khan was hit with yet another sentence this week, his second, which resulted in 14 years in prison, according to CNN.

The outlet noted:

Khan and his wife, Bushra Bibi, were convicted by the National Accountability Bureau in a case related to the unlawful sale of state gifts during his tenure as prime minister from 2018 to 2022.

It was noted that Khan has been jailed since last August on "several charges." In addition to the multiple jail sentences, Khan has also been barred from serving in public office for a period of at least 10 years.

Khan will reportedly be allowed to concurrently serve his two new sentences of 10 and 14 years.

The former Pakistani prime minister is reportedly especially popular with the nation's young voters. He was considered a fresh break from the military and dynasty-level rule that the Middle East nation has endured for decades.

Social media reacts

Users across social media were upset with the news of Khan's incarceration, but also noted that it's not surprising given the fact that Pakistan's politics are notoriously corrupt at virtually every level.

"This is terrible news. He tried to help his country by rooting out corruption. The criminals always prevail," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Pakistanians will not accept this ruling. A potential overthrow of a government. Just swamp them and they are out of power."

Only time will tell how the Pakistani people will react to Khan's imprisonment. The situation looks to be incredibly unstable.

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