Former police officer Derek Chauvin stabbed in federal prison

 November 25, 2023

The Associated Press reported that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was stabbed early on Friday afternoon. 

According to the news service, the stabbing was committed around 12:30 p.m. at the Federal Correctional Institution located in Tucson, Arizona. Chauvin survived the attack and is being treated in hospital.

Supreme Court refused to hear Chauvin's appeal

The 47-year-old former law enforcement officer is serving a 21-year federal sentence at the facility concurrently with a 22-and-a-half-year state sentence.

Chauvin was convicted in April of 2021 on three state counts in connection with the death of George Floyd and was also found guilty in federal court of violating Floyd's civil rights.

The one-time officer became infamous in the spring of 2020 when video footage of him putting his knee on Floyd during an arrest went viral, leading to mass riots that resulted in dozens of murders.

Meanwhile, CBS News reported last week that the Supreme Court announced it would not hear Chauvin's request to have a new trial.

Defense lawyers say jurors were intimidated

His lawyers argued that their client was deprived of his right to a fair trial when their requests for a change of venue and a sequestered jury were both denied.

"Mr. Chauvin's case shows the profound difficulties trial courts have to ensure a criminal defendant's right to an impartial jury consistently when extreme cases arise," his lawyers stated in their filing.

What's more, they maintained that jurors "had a vested interest in finding Mr. Chauvin guilty in order to avoid further rioting in the community in which they lived and the possible threat of physical harm to them or their families."

CBS News noted that the United States Supreme Court's decision came down seven months after the Minnesota Court of Appeals affirmed Chauvin's conviction.

New documentary looks at evidence that Chauvin did not kill Floyd

News of Chauvin's stabbing came shortly after investigative journalist Liz Collin released a documentary on Floyd's death and the chaos that followed.

Collin also looked at evidence suggesting that Floyd's pre-existing health problems and a fentanyl overdose caused his death.

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Thomas Jefferson
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