Former prosecutor says there is 'probable cause of crimes' at Biden home

 January 23, 2023

Fox News reported on Saturday that FBI agents conducted a "consensual search" of President Joe Biden's Delaware home late last week which turned up yet more classified material.

According to the Daily Wire, some criminal law experts think Biden only agreed to the search because he wants to avoid the embarrassment of investigators getting a warrant. 

Former prosecutor says there is "probable cause of crimes"

Among them is National Review columnist Andrew C. McCarthy, who once served as a chief assistant United States attorney.

McCarthy argued in a tweet on Sunday that the president's willingness to have his house searched wasn't born out of any desire to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

Rather, the former federal prosecutor insisted that Biden didn't have a choice as he knew "there was probable cause of crimes" and the "next step would’ve been special counsel getting a search warrant."

McCarthy also took issue with an "awkwardly worded statement" put out by Bob Bauer, who serves as the president's personal attorney.

While Baur spoke of "six items consisting of documents with classification markings," McCarthy said that description is misleading.

Report: Some material goes back to Biden's time in the Senate

Saturday's Fox News report noted the latest stash of uncovered documents date back to the president's decades-long career in the Senate.

That led Texas Republican Sen Ted Cruz to wonder "how on earth" Biden had obtained the material, tweeting, "I’ve served in the Senate for 10 years. EVERY single classified doc I’ve read—100%—have been in a secure SCIF in the basement of the Capitol."

Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley made a similar point, saying that the presence of Senate documents suggests "a pattern of serial contempt for the law."


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