Former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani served with indictment at 80th birthday party

 May 19, 2024

Former Trump attorney Mayor Rudy Giuliani was indicted in Arizona late last week on allegations that he participated in a plan to assemble fake presidential electors.

In a bombshell move, agents interrupted his 80th birthday party on Friday evening to serve him with papers. 

One guest reportedly began crying

According to the New York Post, the two-term New York City Mayor was celebrating at the Palm Beach, Florida home of GOP consultant Caroline Wren.

There he was approached at around 11 p.m. by two officials representing Democratic Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes' office.

The Post cited a source as saying that while most of the event's 200 guests had already departed, some began screaming while one woman burst into tears.

Yet Giuliani was apparently untroubled by the ordeal, with a source who is said to be close with him saying it "wasn't that big of a deal."

Party host says Arizona AG should focus on rising crime

Mayes touted the indictment in a social media post, writing, "The final defendant was served moments ago. [Rudy Giuliani] nobody is above the law."

However, Wren told the Post that instead of tracking Giuliani at her home in Florida, Mayes should focus on problems closer to home.

"While crime in Arizona is at an all-time high, the Arizona [AG's] office felt it was a good use of resources to send multiple agents across the country to storm an 80th birthday party like it was Normandy," she complained.

Meanwhile, Giuliani advisor Ted Goodman said, "It’s unfortunate that they chose to barge up and startle guests during a celebration of this man’s 80th birthday."

Giuliani: "Do you want your country back?"

"They could’ve shown a little more respect for the man who comforted the nation following September 11th and who stands up for law enforcement and the men and women in blue," he added.

For his part, Giuliani told those who came to celebrate his birthday, "This time we can make no mistakes if we want our country back. Do you want your country back?!"

"Then we got to work like hell from now until Election Day and, who knows? Maybe after, which I learned. But they are not taking this country away from us," the former mayor declared.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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