Gabbard announces crackdown on intelligence leaks

 March 16, 2025

There's been a bit of a problem in America lately when it comes to intelligence leaks. There's some information we simply can't have going public, but a lot of sensitive information seems to be getting out.

Many Republicans feel as though the leaks to the media are publicly motivated, and it's time to stop it.

According to, "Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard revealed she is targeting members of the intelligence community accused of making 'politically motivated leaks' to the media.'"

On March 14, Gabbard publicly stated that her department is aware of and is "aggressively pursuing recent leakers from within the Intelligence Community and will hold them accountable."

Gabbard's had enough

In a statement posted to Twitter, Gabbard said that "politically motivated leaks undermine our national security and the trust of the American people, and will not be tolerated."

Gabbard's message took seven tweets to fully convey, and outlined four different examples of leaks given to press outlets.

Some of the examples she mentioned were "information given about Israel and Iran to the Washington Post and information regarding Russia’s relationship with the United States leaked to NBC News."

Gabbard said it's a major problem that such leaks have become so common that we don't even seem interested in investigating or prosecuting those responsible anymore. The leaks have become "commonplace with no investigation or accountability."

It's time to do something about it.

"That ends now"

"Any unauthorized release of classified information is a violation of the law and will be treated as such," Gabbard said.

Unfortunately, leaks were a problem during Donald Trump's first term as well.

According to NBC News:

During President Donald Trump’s first term, his administration referred more media leaks for criminal investigation each year than in any of the previous 15 years, according to records released in 2021 by the Justice Department to the independent watchdog group, Project on Government Oversight, in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

One of Gabbard's primary goals after becoming America's top-ranking intelligence official last month was to help restore American's trust in the intelligence agencies.

She said that after liberals using these agencies as political weapons for years, the public has been right to doubt these agencies.

Hopefully, she's able to turn these agencies around and restore their reputations. Right now, Americans don't trust them.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson