Glenn Youngkin pardons father of Loudoun County schoolgirl who was sexually assaulted

 September 11, 2023

The Republican governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, granted clemency to a parent in Loudoun County who was arrested during a protest at a school board meeting.

The event took place after the man's daughter had been sexually assaulted by a male student who claimed to be "gender fluid," as reported by The Daily Caller.

Following his outburst at a meeting of the school board on June 22, 2021 in response to the attack committed against his daughter, Scott Smith was found guilty of disorderly conduct in August of 2021.

On May 28, 2021, a male student at Stone Bridge High School who was then 14 years old and dressed in a skirt was found responsible for the assault that took place in a bathroom designated for female students.

The Governor's Comments

“We are in contact with him and I spoke with Mr. Smith on Friday, and I had the privilege of telling Mr. Smith that I would pardon him, and we did that on Friday,” Youngkin said on “Fox News Sunday.”

The forgiving governor said, “We righted a wrong. He should’ve never been prosecuted here."

"This was a dad standing up for his daughter and just to remind everyone, his daughter had been sexually assaulted in the bathroom of a school and no one was doing anything about it.”

“His daughter had been sexually assaulted in the bathroom of a school, and no one was doing anything about it,” the Virginia governor continued, calling the conviction a “gross miscarriage of justice.

Youngkin claimed that Smith "did what any father would do" in a scenario of this nature and accused the superintendent of trying to cover up the incident.

The Assault

In October 2021, Smith and his family took Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) to court over the violence that occurred at the school board meeting and Smith's subsequent arrest as a result of the assault.

Initially, members of the LCPS board denied that they were aware of the incident that occurred on May 28, but subsequent emails demonstrated that Superintendent Scott Ziegler told board members about the event.

In October of 2021, a jury determined that the man who was accused of sexually assaulting Smith's daughter was deserving of the charges that were brought against him in connection with the assault.

The judge came to the conclusion that there was enough evidence to support that he committed an act of violent assault.

According to reports, the Smith family was left in shambles after a judge in Loudoun County, Virginia, in January 2022, withdrew the teenager from the sex offender registry.

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