GOP Sen. Hawley says 'young men' need to 'get married' and 'have families'

 December 23, 2022

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) just urged "young men" to rebel against "liberal culture" by getting married and having a family. 

Hawley made his plea in a speech he gave at the Turning Point USA conference that was held over the weekend.

Take a look:

Hawley's suggestion for young men

The above video clip, from the Turning Point USA conference, starts with Hawley offering a "suggestion" to "young men."

"Young men, let me make a suggestion to you: why don't you turn off the computer and log off the porn and go ask a real woman on a date," Hawley said.

"How about that? Just a thought," Hawley says as the crowd cheers.

Hawley continues:

Young men, why don't you be the ones to do the asking? How about that? Don't wait for her. You go ask. Show her a little respect. And then, you take her out and you treat her right - How about that? Don't make her cater to your whims. Treat her right. Treat her like what she is: a woman, a person of incredible significance, created in the image of God.

"And, you know what - you treat her right and one day you do her the honor and show her the respect of asking her to marry you. Then, you go get married and have children," Hawley says as the clip concludes.

"Somebody's got to . . . tell the truth"

On Tuesday, Hawley made an appearance on the Fox News Channel's Tucker Carlson Tonight, where he talked about his Turning Point USA speech.

There, Hawley said:

Well, somebody's got to be honest and tell the truth to these young men. And, the truth is that what the porn industry is selling them is a total lie. And, the truth is, American society needs them -- we need them to step up, we need them to go get married and have families and be responsible husbands and fathers.

Hawley went on to blame "liberal culture" for the problem and called upon "young men and young women" to rebel against it.

Hawley said:

Aspire to be something more than a consumer. And for young men, aspire to be something more than a consumer of pornography. Aspire to actually create something in your life -- like create a family, for instance, that is the single greatest act of rebellion, if you like, against the liberal culture that is suppressing people's desires, that is suppressing their potential is to go out and actually engage in real relationships, get married, have a family, have kids, have your own ideas and be a responsible member of society.

There aren't too many messages that are as important as this one.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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