Energy Sec. Granholm mocked over Biden commitment for all-electric military vehicle fleet by 2030

 May 2, 2023

President Joe Biden is pushing a plan to rapidly convert the entire federal vehicle fleet, including those used by the U.S. military, to be all-electric and battery-powered within the next 10-15 years.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm recently testified to Congress that she fully believed the plan was achievable but was brutally mocked afterward by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) over the ridiculous notion of pausing to recharge electric military vehicles in the middle of a war, The Political Insider reported.

Biden accelerating transition of entire federal vehicle fleet to all-electric "zero-emissions vehicles"

The Biden White House issued a "fact sheet" on April 21 to announce the progress that had been made in the aptly named "EV Acceleration Challenge," which as the name implies seeks to further accelerate and hasten a forced transition of both public and private fleets from regular gas-and diesel-fueled vehicles to all-electric vehicle fleets.

In terms of the federal government, the press release bragged that the administration had already purchased more than 13,000 light- and medium-duty "zero-emissions vehicles," or ZEVs, in Fiscal Year 2023, which was more than four times as many as had been purchased in FY2022.

That aligns with "President Biden’s Federal Sustainability Plan," which "requires federal agencies to transition the largest fleet in the world to all-electric by acquiring 100 percent light-duty ZEVs annually by 2027 and acquiring 100 percent medium- and heavy-duty ZEVs annually by 2035."

Granholm doubles down on all-electric military fleet by 2030

On April 26, during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) asked Energy Sec. Granholm if she supported a plan to convert the entirety of the U.S. military's fleet of vehicles to be all-electric by 2030, and the secretary replied, "I do, and I think we can get there, as well."

"I do think that reducing our reliance on the volatility of globally traded fossil fuels, where we know that global events like the war in Ukraine can jack up prices for people back home, does not contribute to energy security," Granholm continued.

She added, "I think energy security is achieved when we have homegrown clean energy that is abundant, like you see in Iowa. We think that we can be a leader globally in how we have become energy independent."

How would electric tanks work out in battle?

A brief video clip of Sec. Granholm reiterating the Biden administration's commitment to transition the entirety of the U.S. military's fleet to all-electric vehicles by 2030 was later retweeted by Sen. Cruz.

The Texas Republican sarcastically quipped, "It would be really convenient if the Russians & the Chinese communists would erect charging stations every 100 miles for the Biden EV tanks…."

Likewise, conservative pundit Erick Erickson shared the same video clip and pointed out the obvious -- "You can’t charge a tank in the middle of a battle."

"This is a ludicrous idea ..."

The Hill reported that Sen. Ernst also slammed the response of Sec. Granholm during an interview with New York radio host John Catsimatidis, and said, "You don’t fight a war that way."

"This administration has taken it to the extremes with this climate agenda," the Iowa senator continued. "We are not focusing on the lethality of our American military. Instead, they are focusing on green energy and climate change. This is not how we project power around the world."

"This is a ludicrous idea to transition all of these vehicles," Ernst added. "And Secretary Granholm was very adamant that yes, by 2030, we could transition -- but the problem with this is that we continue to enrich China because we know that most of the parts … it’s all owned, controlled by China," and "We don’t have those capabilities here in the United States."

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