Harris makes last-second campaign change

 October 19, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris is making a last-second change to her presidential campaign. 

Breitbart News reports that the Democratic Party's presidential nominee has chosen to put an end to her so-called "campaign of joy" messaging.

Instead, Harris is now going in the opposite direction of joy.

Breitbart reports that the vice president's messaging has turned extremely negative, adopting "a more angry, bitter, and nasty tone."

It's true

According to Breitbart, Harris's new campaign strategy looks a lot more similar to the strategy used by Hillary Clinton, during the 2016 presidential election, or President Joe Biden, in the 2020 presidential election.

It is the strategy of demonizing former President Donald Trump at every possible opportunity. This is what Harris is now doing.

This was highlighted by Politico in a recent report.

"You can see the change on the campaign trail, where Harris’ early emphasis on joy has given way to more direct verbal attacks on Trump, including playing video of him, AP’s Zeke Miller and Steve Karnowski report from La Crosse. You can see it on the airwaves, where a new Harris ad calls Trump “unhinged,” “unstable” and “unchecked” in a second term, NBC’s Monica Alba scooped," The outlet wrote.

It added, "(Interestingly, this is all a bit of a return to Biden’s old anti-Trump messaging.) Reuters’ Jeff Mason and Nandita Bose report that the broader Harris strategy shift is an effort to play up her prosecutorial image and project strength to gain support from men and Republicans."

The "why?"

The big question, of course, is why it is that Harris has decided to ditch the "joy" messaging for the more negative messaging.

Admittedly, we do not know the actual answer because it has not been provided by either Harris or her campaign. One, however, can speculated, with some degree of accuracy.

Politicians make changes like this when they realize that what they were doing was not working. And, polling would suggest that Harris's "joy" messaging was not getting the job done for her.

During the weeks that she employed the "joy" messaging, Harris saw her polling number go from beating her 2024 rival, former President Donald Trump, to struggling to stay even with him. In other words, there has been an obvious swing in Trump's favor.

The question now is whether the negative messaging with right the ship for Harris. Some say that it will not because that message is not the problem. Rather, they say the problem is Harris herself. Time will tell.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson