Hawaii Supreme Court dismisses the authority of the U.S. Supreme Court, citing 'aloha' and TV show 'The Wire'

 February 9, 2024

The Supreme Court of Hawaii cited the "spirit of Aloha" to blast the authority of the conservative U.S. Supreme Court in an unusual ruling.

The oddly breezy decision from the Hawaii court also cited the TV show The Wire to argue that Americans should not "pledge allegiance" to what the Founding Fathers believed.

The case Hawaii v. Wilson deals with a man who was charged with a crime for carrying his firearm in public without a permit.

A lower court sided with Wilson, citing the U.S. Supreme Court's 2022 decision in Bruen, which upheld a right to carry firearms publicly.

Hawaii defies Supreme Court

The Bruen decision has had a cascading effect in states with tough gun restrictions, but it's clear that Hawaii does not want to be one of them.

The state's Supreme Court asserted, "States retain the authority to require that individuals have a license before carrying firearms in public.”

The opinion, authored by Judge Todd Eddins, grabbed attention for its strangely casual suggestion that the culture of the Founding Fathers is obsolete.

"The thing about the old days, they the old days," the unanimous ruling said, quoting the HBO series The Wire.

"As the world turns, it makes no sense for contemporary society to pledge allegiance to the founding era's culture, realities, laws, and understanding of the Constitution."

The "spirit of Aloha"

The decision also pointed to the "spirit of Aloha" as a reason for Hawaii to ignore Supreme Court precedent.

"The spirit of Aloha clashes with a federally-mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day-to-day activities," the opinion said.

Alan Beck, a lawyer who has challenged Hawaii's gun laws, said the court rendered a frivolous and unserious ruling.

"The use of pop culture references to attempt to rebuke the Supreme Court's detailed historical analysis is evidence this is not a well-reasoned opinion," he said.

The arrogance of the Hawaii Supreme Court is alarming, but not shocking given the cues coming from the White House.

President Biden has regularly challenged the U.S. Supreme Court's authority, painting it as "extreme" owing to its decisions on guns, abortion, and Biden's student loan scheme.

For an "elderly man with poor memory," Biden is doing a lot to tear the country apart.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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