Hillary Clinton delves into mechanics of decades-long relationship with husband Bill

 December 17, 2023

Despite having recently held forth on the reasons she remains married to her husband -- and noted philanderer -- Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did note that she is hardly one to give relationship advice, as The Hill reports.

Mrs. Clinton's revelations came during a recent episode of her You and Me Both podcast, on which the former president appeared as a featured guest.

Elephant in the room

Though the entire world is all too familiar with her husband's notorious extramarital hijinks, Hillary Clinton managed to steer clear of addressing those issues directly.

Speaking instead of what she believes has held their union together over the decades, Mrs. Clinton took a long view.

“We have carried on a conversation now for more than 50 years,” she mused, a reference to the fact that the pair were married all the way back in 1975.

The former first lady went on, “Part of, I think the real core of our relationship, our marriage, has been we started a conversation and we never stopped.”

Navigating bumps in the road

Though some women would have walked away and never looked back when confronted with the sort of international humiliation brought on by her husband's dalliance with a White House intern, Hillary Clinton has taken a different approach.

She explained to her podcast audience, “Through good times and hard times, through happy times and sad times – it doesn't mean we don't get frustrated and upset with the other because that's human nature. But we always kept talking.”

Perhaps acknowledging that not everyone agrees with her decision to remain in her marriage, Mrs. Clinton noted, “I'm not giving relationship advice. Everybody has to find their own way.”

Bill Clinton recounted a recent incident in which his wife, after returning from a trip abroad, had felt ill, noting that he knew what was wrong almost immediately and adding, “That happens if you invest time in somebody over a long time.”

Not always smooth sailing

Despite the happy talk that populated the podcast episode, revelations contained in a new book by journalist Ryan Grim reveal that Mr. Clinton was less-than-enthusiastic about his wife's approach to her 2016 presidential campaign, and did not hesitate to say so, as the Washington Examiner detailed.

Frustrated in what he saw as the campaign's failings, Bill Clinton reportedly told a friend that his wife's support staff “could not sell p**** on a troop train.”

The former president was particularly piqued that the Hillary campaign had not paid sufficient attention to key states such as Wisconsin and Michigan, a perception that proved prescient in terms of her ultimate loss to Republican rival Donald Trump.

Even so, here the Clintons are, podcasting, power-brokering, and engaging in the same brand of political maneuvering they have always done, for better or worse, and precisely what might be required to prompt their exit from the public sphere once and for all, nobody seems to know.

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