Hillary Clinton: 'I'm the most investigated innocent person you have ever met'

 September 29, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has long complained of being the subject "witch hunts" launched by a politicized justice system.

Yet in a move sure to leave her critics shaking their heads, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently claimed to be America's "most investigated innocent person."

Clinton: "I'm the most investigated innocent person you have ever met"

According to the Daily Caller, Clinton made the assertion last week during an interview with Margaret Hoover, PBS' "Firing Line" on Friday.

Clinton blamed her supposed persecution on former President Donald Trump, alleging that "[h]e basically ordered his attorney general to reopen an investigation into me. He ordered his two secretaries of state to reinvestigate me.

"They investigated the Clinton Foundation. You know, I'm the most investigated innocent person you have ever met," she declared.

Investigation of Clinton's emails took place under the Obama administration

Yet as the Daily Caller pointed out, the most serious allegations against Clinton actually arose in 2016 as the Obama administration's waning days were coming to a close.

Then FBI Director James Comey found that during her time as secretary of state, Clinton mishandled material which had been entrusted to her.

This included storing 110 emails containing classified information on a private email server, including eight email chains which were found to contain top secret information.

However, Comey ultimately recommended that criminal charges not be brought against her, a decision with which the Trump Justice Department later agreed.

The fact that Clinton managed to avoid accountability for her actions even raised eyebrows among some Trump critics, including Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey.

Clinton admits that she can't "move on" from 2016 election loss

"There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation," Mukasey wrote in a 2016 Wall Street Journal op-ed piece.

This is far from being the first time that Clinton's fixation on Trump has publicly emerged, as the former secretary of state told CBS News reporter Erin Moriarty earlier this month that she struggles to accept her election loss.

"Since 2016, people have asked me, 'Will you ever be able to move on?'" Clinton remarked to Moriarty before adding, "Move on? I wish!"

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson