Hillary Clinton misleads with climate change 'deaths' of 500,000

 December 10, 2023

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed that a half-million people have been killed due to climate change in an odd statement blasted in media reviews.

Clinton shared the comment on Monday that has led to significant pushback over her claim.

The claim

“[In] Africa, Asia, Latin America . . . we probably could measure about 500,000 deaths [from heat]," Clinton said Monday, according to the New York Post.

"We say: Hillary’s number sounds laughably high. But she also fails to note how many heat-related deaths are due to climate change. After all, people die of heat even when global temps are falling," it added.

The source

“We are seeing and beginning to pay attention and to count and record the deaths that are related to climate. And by far the biggest killer is extreme heat,” she said.

"She referenced a European heatwave allegedly responsible for 61,000 deaths and insinuated that unrecorded. She also claimed that climate change-related deaths can be influenced by gender. According to Harvard Business Review, 'We can’t fight climate change without fighting for gender equity.'”

Kerry too

"Clinton’s remarks were not the comedic climax of the event. The Golden Laugh Track award rightfully belongs to former secretary of state, former senator and former Democratic nominee for president John Kerry, who now carries the title of U.S. special envoy for climate," Los Angeles Daily News reported.

"Kerry told COP28 attendees that the U.S. will align with more than 60 nations that have taken the 'Global Cooling Pledge' by shutting down every coal-fired power plant in America within six years," it noted.

The elite global climate gathering in Dubai noted a variety of importance environmental concerns but often added to controversy with its odd statements and recommendations.

The event itself was marked with questions over leaders using private jets for travel and even the in-person event itself that could have been conducted via video.

Clinton's remarks added to the interesting combination of climate talks, with a high dose of politics also serving as a focus for many in attendance.

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Thomas Jefferson
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