Hillary Clinton says Trump will make US leave NATO if elected

 February 23, 2024

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a stark warning at the Munich Security Conference, suggesting that a second term for former President Donald Trump could lead to the United States withdrawing from NATO, a move she characterized as deeply concerning for the military alliance comprising 31 nations.

Clinton, who ran against Trump in the 2016 presidential election, expressed her apprehensions during a luncheon at the conference, a significant annual gathering of global leaders held in Germany.

The accusations

Highlighting Trump's authoritarian tendencies, Clinton asserted, "He will do everything he can to become an absolute authoritarian leader if given the opportunity to do so."

She cited concerns that Trump might disregard congressional resolutions requiring approval for NATO withdrawal, leading to severe consequences for U.S. global alliances.

Clinton urged voters to heed Trump's rhetoric, cautioning against underestimating his intentions. "People did not take him literally and seriously in 2016. Now he is telling us what he intends to do," she emphasized, urging vigilance in the upcoming election.

The timing

Clinton's remarks came in the aftermath of Trump's rally, where he suggested withholding protection from NATO allies failing to fulfill financial commitments, indicating a willingness to "encourage" Russia's actions under such circumstances. These statements drew criticism, including from within Trump's own party.

Republican presidential contender Nikki Haley joined the chorus of concern, denouncing Trump's NATO stance as "bone-chilling" and accusing him of aligning with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Haley, who served as Trump's ambassador to the United Nations, voiced apprehension over Putin's perceived empowerment amid such rhetoric.

The White House's reaction

Vice President Kamala Harris, representing the U.S. at the Munich Security Conference, echoed Clinton's sentiments without explicitly naming Trump.

In her address, Harris rejected Trump's worldview as "dangerous" and "destabilizing," underscoring President Biden's commitment to bolstering global stability and prosperity.

The remarks from Clinton, Haley, and Harris underscored the ongoing debate over U.S. foreign policy and its impact on international alliances. With the prospect of potential leadership changes, particularly in the context of upcoming elections, discussions surrounding America's role in global affairs have taken center stage.

The concerns raised by Clinton and others reflect broader anxieties regarding the direction of U.S. foreign policy, emphasizing the importance of maintaining strong alliances and upholding commitments to global security and stability.

As the world continues to grapple with global challenges, the role of the United States in leading international efforts remains a subject Clinton continues to use to attack Trump in his comeback bid for the White House.

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