Hillary Clinton supporter gives scathing review of Clinton's college class

 December 14, 2023

Hillary Clinton left liberals shattered when she handed the White House to Donald Trump, but she retained a core base of loyal supporters who share her belief in her unappreciated greatness.

But one Clinton fan saw behind the curtain after taking a bogus college course with the wanna-be president at Columbia University.

What was advertised as an intimate learning experience turned out to be a carefully scripted film production, writes author Cate Twining-Ward in the Huffington Post. 

Clinton 'class' reviewed

The author says she "imagined that spending two hours each week with a former senator, secretary of state, first lady and presidential nominee would embolden me in new ways."

She was rudely surprised to find she was one of hundreds of "students" packed into an auditorium with Secret Service and movie crews. Asking Clinton a question was like choosing a winning lotto ticket.

"It wasn’t really a class — it was a production," she writes.

Clinton skipped two of the classes altogether, and they routinely ended early to accommodate the film crews. Eventually, the idealistic students became conscious of being spectators rather than pupils.

"We followed an unspoken script where we were both active and passive at once — expected to laugh at certain anecdotes, but not encouraged to raise our hands," she wrote.

Another Clinton grift

When the war in Israel broke out, Clinton avoided controversy with "bland" answers - although she faced some loud disruption from protesters sympathetic to Palestine.

After a whole semester of listening to Clinton talk about herself, the author concluded that the class has "potential" but in its current state, is little more than "academic theater."

One classmate gave this blunt assessment: "It’s not about what I learned, it’s the fact that I can put a class taught by Hillary Clinton on my resume ... That’s the value. But I could have learned everything just from reading her memoir.”

Underneath all of the wonky jargon about "democracy" and "human rights," this is who Clinton is: a well-paid grifter with a bottomless appetite for power. Her "class" is another promotional tool, as authentic as her "philanthropy."

Despite her immense privilege, the woman is obviously miserable with herself. She's not qualified to teach anything - except maybe how to get away with corruption and scam impressionable college kids.

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