House GOP subpoenas a NY prosecutor in the Trump case

 April 8, 2023

Newsmax reports that the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee has just subpoenaed Mark Pomerantz. 

The subpoena is in relation to the Committee's investigation of the charges that have been brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D) against former President Donald Trump.

Pomerantz is the former New York County Special Assistant District Attorney.

Significantly, Pomerantz, in this capacity, led the investigation that was conducted into Trump's finances.

Pomerantz's resignation and the aftermath

Pomerantz resigned from his position in the district attorney's office right after Bragg took over as New York's district attorney. He tendered his resignation in a letter that has since been made public.

In that letter, Pomerants claimed that Trump is "guilty of numerous felony violations," and he indicated that he was resigning because of Braggs decision, at the time, to "indefinitely" halt the investigation. Pomerantz called the decision "misguided."

On top of all of this, Pomerantz, after leaving the district attorney's office, went on to write a book - People vs. Donald Trump: An Inside Account. 

In this book, Pomerantz details the efforts made by the office to find a crime committed by Trump. He also expresses concerns about the credibility of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, who appears to be a key witness in Bragg's case against Trump.

Accordingly, Pomerantz's book may turn out to be bad news for Bragg in more ways than one.

The subpoena

The House Judiciary Committee, which is led by U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), has been looking to speak with Pomerantz for a few weeks now.

Previously, on March 22, the committee - and two other House committees - asked Pomerants to voluntarily testify before them. Pomerantz, however, refused. On March 27, he responded by saying that "at the instruction of the New York County District Attorney’s Office," he would not cooperate.

Now, Jordan is subpoenaing Pomerantz. Jodan, in addition to the subpoena, sent a letter to Pomerantz in which referred to Pomerantz as "uniquely situated to provide information that is relevant and necessary to inform the committee's oversight and potential legislative reforms."

Jordan additionally wrote:

Although the New York County District Attorney's Office has directed you not to cooperate with our oversight, you have already discussed many of the topics relevant to our oversight in a book you wrote and published in February, 2023, as well as in several public interviews to promote your book. As a result, you have no basis to decline to testify about matters before the committee that you have already discussed in your book and/or on a prime-time television program with an audience in the millions, including on the basis of any purported duty of confidentiality or privilege interest.

Pomerantz has yet to respond to the subpoena.

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