Texts reveal Hunter Biden used 2017 memorial event for meeting between Joe Biden and Chinese business partner

 May 29, 2024

President Joe Biden has once again been exposed over his lies about having zero knowledge of or involvement in his son Hunter Biden's dubious foreign business dealings and alleged influence peddling.

A recently released thread of text messages revealed that Hunter attempted to use a Sandy Hook school shooting memorial service as a convenient means to arrange a meeting between his father and one of his Chinese business associates, the New York Post reported.

It remains unclear at this time, however, if the coordinated meeting Hunter arranged between then-former Vice President Biden and then-CEFC top executive Liu Yadong actually transpired.

Hunter arranged a 2017 meeting between Joe Biden and Chinese business associate

The Post reported on Monday that the Republican-led House Ways and Means Committee voted last week to release scores of documents it obtained from a pair of IRS whistleblowers who'd previously been involved in a years-long federal investigation of Hunter Biden's shady foreign business dealings.

Among that release was a series of WeChat text messages in December 2017 between Hunter and Yadong, who at that time was the New York-based CEO of a Chinese government-linked energy company known as CEFC Global Strategic Holdings, which included an effort to arrange a meeting between Yadong and Hunter's father, Joe, and uncle, James Biden.

"Can you meet this evening early," Hunter wrote in a December 12, 2017 message. "My father will be in New York also and he wants me to attend the Sandyhook memorial service with him and I would like him to meet you along with my uncle and then you and I can talk let me know if that works."

Yadong replied about a half-hour later, "No problem. Pls let me know where and when to meet. Thanks."

Committee proves Hunter lied under oath during February deposition

According to a Ways and Means Committee press release last week, that series of WeChat messages between Hunter Biden and Liu Yadong about a meeting with Joe Biden were just a few of the more than 100 pages of documents obtained from IRS investigators-turned-whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley that the committee voted to release publicly.

The release of those newly discovered documents was deemed necessary to help prove that Hunter had repeatedly lied under oath during his sworn testimony before the committee during a February hearing.

"Hunter Biden has shown once again he believes there are two systems of justice in this country -- one for his family, and one for everyone else," Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) said in a statement. "Not only did Hunter Biden refuse to comply with his initial subpoena until threatened with criminal contempt, but he then came before Congress and lied.

"The Ways and Means Committee’s investigation, and the documents released today, are not part of a personal vendetta against Hunter Biden, but are meant to ensure the equal application of the law," he continued. "Lying during sworn testimony is a felony offense that the Department of Justice has prosecuted numerous individuals for in recent years, and the American people expect the same accountability for the son of the President of the United States."

"Hunter Biden’s lies under oath, and obstruction of a congressional investigation into his family’s potential corruption, calls into question other pieces of his testimony," the chairman added. "The newly released evidence affirms, once again, the only witnesses who can be trusted to tell the truth in this investigation are the IRS whistleblowers."

Will Hunter be held accountable for his lies?

The committee's press release went on to outline at least three instances during Hunter Biden's sworn deposition where he "indisputably" lied and provided provably false information to members of Congress.

Whether the president's son will ever face any actual accountability from his father's highly partisan Justice Department for feloniously lying under oath to a GOP-led congressional committee is another matter altogether.

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