Hunter Biden baby mama says he's 'living lavishly' while pretending to be destitute to get out of child support

 May 1, 2023

A brief filed by lawyers for Lunden Roberts for a Monday court hearing on child support claimed that Hunter Biden was "living lavishly" while pretending to be destitute to get his child support reduced.

"Mr. Biden claims to be nothing more than a Yale-educated attorney/artist who is somewhat financially destitute and needs his child support adjusted," the brief said. "However, for an artist living on meager means, Mr. Biden is living lavishly."

The brief also took aim at Biden's team of lawyers, which it called "some of the most expensive attorneys on planet Earth." Roberts' lawyers argued that the money he was paying the lawyers should be counted as income for the purposes of child support. 

One of Biden's lawyers, Abby Powell, alone charges $855 per hour.

Judge insists parties appear in person

Biden and Roberts produced a child, Navy Joan, who is now four years old. Biden has been paying $20,000 a month in child support to Roberts, but filed to get that amount reduced saying he only had income from selling a few pieces of art.

Biden has been dragging his feet about producing financial records to show his income, and had previously not shown up to virtual hearings.

This made the judge insist that both parties show up to meetings in person or face contempt charges.

During a two-hour hearing on Monday, Independence County Circuit Judge Holly Meyer ordered Biden to answer questions about his income, provide documentation to support his contentions, and undergo a deposition under oath in June.

"Get it done"

"I expect this case to move," she said. "So get it done."

Biden has been under investigation by the FBI for tax fraud among other violations since 2019, so revealing his financial information could be problematic for him.

No doubt the FBI and DOD will be watching this case carefully to see what financial information is revealed.

The $20,000 a month must really be hurting Biden badly for him to keep pursuing the case. But when you play stupid games (like sleeping with strippers), you win stupid prizes like a combined $750,000 in child support.

Biden doesn't want child to take his last name

Biden also has four other children, three adult daughters and a son Beau, age 4, whom he shares with his wife Melissa, who he married in 2019.

Neither he nor his family has publicly acknowledged his daughter Navy Joan, and he is opposed to her taking his last name as her mother has also requested.

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Thomas Jefferson
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