Hunter Biden faces strict conditions of release, possible arrest and imprisonment for violations of agreement

 July 27, 2023

Hunter Biden is facing a very real threat of arrest and imprisonment following the complete collapse of a dubious plea deal with federal prosecutors that a U.S. district judge in Delaware refused to accept, Breitbart reported.

Rather than plead guilty to a now-scuttled deal, Biden instead pleaded not guilty to a pair of misdemeanor tax law violations and a felony gun possession charge.

As part of his release, Biden agreed to abide by certain strict conditions imposed by the federal judge, the violation of which could result in contempt of court charges and jail time plus fines.

The conditions of Biden's release

According to a copy of the "conditions of release" form that Hunter Biden signed in a Delaware federal court on Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika ordered the president's son to submit himself and report to court supervision throughout the term of his release pending trial or other conclusion of the matter.

During that time, Biden must "continue or actively seek employment" and notify the court "in writing," with supporting documentation if requested, any and "all international travel plans."

He was further prohibited from possessing any firearms or other weapons, must abstain from any and all use of alcohol and illegal drugs -- including crack cocaine and marijuana -- and could potentially be ordered to participate in "substance abuse therapy and counseling," whether that be of the inpatient or outpatient variety.

The president's son must also submit to random testing for prohibited substances, including "urine testing, the wearing of a sweat patch, a remote alcohol testing system, and/or any form of prohibited substance screening or testing," and was specifically warned against any attempts to "obstruct, attempt to obstruct, or tamper with the efficiency and accuracy of prohibited substance screening or testing."

Serious punishments for failure to abide by release conditions

The "conditions of release" form that Hunter Biden signed also explicitly warned, "Violating any of the foregoing conditions of release may result in the immediate issuance of a warrant for your arrest, a revocation of your release, an order of detention, a forfeiture of any bond, and a prosecution for contempt of court and could result in imprisonment, a fine, or both."

The form also advised Biden that he could face additional consecutively-served prison sentences on top of a regular sentence if he is found to have committed any other federal offenses during the term of pretrial release.

Further, the release agreement also cautioned Biden against any efforts to obstruct, tamper with, retaliate against, or intimidate any witness, victim, informant, juror, or officer of the court, and laid out the possible serious additional consecutively-served sentences he could face for those potential crimes as well as any failure to appear in court or surrender to authorities after sentencing.

The collapse of Biden's unprecedented plea deal

When Hunter Biden first walked into that federal courtroom in Delaware, according to ABC News, he was expecting to plead guilty to a sweetheart deal arranged with prosecutors that likely would have resulted in a term of probation and "broad immunity" from any additional prosecution on a wide range of other alleged crimes and even future crimes not yet committed.

Judge Noreika refused to be a "rubberstamp" for that agreement, however, and began to ask a number of probing questions that exposed and undermined the unprecedented nature of the plea deal.

Now, rather than skate by with a slap on the wrist and broad immunity from future prosecution, Biden must abide by the stringent conditions of his release or face jail time and fines while his defense attorneys and federal prosecutors work to negotiate another plea deal that the judge noted would also be closely scrutinized and not blindly rubberstamped with her approval.

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