Hunter Biden confesses that he received massive sum from CEFC China Energy Company contradicting President Biden

 July 28, 2023

Hunter Biden's lawyer, Chris Clark, admitted in court on Wednesday that Hunter Biden had recieved a massive sum of cash from CEFC China Energy Company in 2017, contradicting President Joe Biden's claims that his son had never been paid by the company.

The younger Biden recieved a massive $664,00 from the CEFC China Energy Company according to a statement from his lawyer to U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika.

What makes this particular transaction especially concerning is that the CEFC is connected to the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese intelligence.

According to the court transcript, Clark said, "During calendar year 2017, Biden earned substantial income, including: just under $1 million from a company he formed with the CEO of a Chinese business conglomerate [BHR Partners]; $666,666 from his domestic business interests; approximately $664,000 from a Chinese infrastructure investment company [CEFC]…”

Biden lied

At this point, President Biden cannot be trusted to be truthful to the American people about anything involving his family.

Hunter Biden has been collected six figure sums from Chinese companies connected to our number one geopolitical rival. There is no doubt that the Biden family has been compromised by this connection as many Republicans have suspected for years.

The bad news doesn't end there as according to Clark, Hunter Biden also received $500,000 from Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company.

That same company's CEO claimed that he had been "coerced" into sending $5 million to both Hunter and Joe Biden.

There is a pattern of self enrichment with the Biden family which has been heavily tied to the Presidency since 2008 when Joe Biden was former President Barack Obama's Vice President.

Hunter Biden has no credentials to qualify him for executive work in the energy sector and yet multiple energy companies are paying him massive sums.

Hunter Biden has been selling access to the White House for the better part of the past decade. The only question is, will Republicans have the backbone to hold Biden accountable and impeach him?

DOJ working overtime

The Department of Justice is working overtime to protect the Biden family. Attorney General Merrick Garland has been stonewalling and seems to have no interest in investigating the President or his son's corrupt activities.

The Biden family's business has compromised America's national security. This isn't just about the Biden family enriching themselves in a corrupt manner, this is about selling America out to our rivals.

China has made it abundantly clear that they want to unseat America as the world's reigning hegemon and there is a strong possibility that they are using the Biden family to further that goal.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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