Hunter Biden paid female staffer for virtual sex: Report

 February 1, 2023

New revelations from the Hunter Biden laptop show that the president's son paid a female staffer to have virtual sex with him after she told him she needed money, and at times threatened to withhold her pay if she didn't perform.

The Daily Mail detailed a series of texts between the unnamed assistant and Biden that spelled out the relationship, as well as the existence of footage of the activities on the laptop.

The woman worked at Owasco, Biden's law firm, in 2018 and 2019. The two had a sexual relationship before going virtual, making her the fourth staff member Biden had a sexual relationship with.

The virtual relationship started after she texted his secretary in January 2019 about why she had not received her paycheck in December and why her company insurance was not active.

Scumbag behavior

He eventually sent her $500 through Apple Pay and apologized for treating her poorly, making excuses that he didn't have the money because of alimony and insurance for his daughters.

He tried to get her to go to New Hampshire to be with him, but she said she couldn't afford the plane ticket or even make her rent that month.

That's when he brought virtual sex into the situation.

"I will [m]ake up for back pay. You have to make up for back work. By FTiming me and/or going to our next-club party," he said to the assistant, age 30. "When can you face time? If we FT the rule has to be no talk of anything but sex and we must be naked and we have to do whatever the other person asks within reason."

"When can you talk? I can later tonight," she replied.

The relationship

The woman later wound up on a Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) list, showing that Biden paid her $44,500 in 2018, beyond her wages at Orasco.

She does appear in images on his laptop during that time, one in which she was naked and another of her touching Biden sexually.

Text messages in 2018 also showed that the two had an ongoing relationship.

During the time when the two were having virtual sex, Biden sent her $2750 via Apple Pay.

Part of a pattern

He also sent other payments to known adult film industry members and others affiliated with human trafficking, according to the SARs reports.

The relationship seems to be part of a pattern of risky and inappropriate sexual behavior that was caught on the laptop and his text messages.

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