Illegal migrant accused of raping teen and stabbing man

 February 29, 2024

A recent poll found that a plurality of Americans see the border crisis as President Joe Biden's biggest failure. That perception is likely to grow after yet another illegal migrant was charged with horrifying crimes. 

According to the Daily Mail, 19-year-old Angel Matias Castellanos-Orellana was arrested in Kenner, Louisiana this past Sunday.

Honduran illegal migrant accused of raping teen and stabbing male robbery victim

The Honduran national is accused of having raped a 14-year-old last week as well as stabbing a man during an armed robbery.

Castellanos-Orellana is said to have accosted a man who was exiting a vehicle before proceeding to repeatedly stab the victim in his face and back.

That attack came days after Castellanos-Orellana allegedly sexually assaulted a teenaged girl while holding a knife to her throat.

Chief Keith Conley of the Kenner Police Department issued a statement in which he slammed the ongoing wave of illegal migration.

Police chief: "What other crimes has he committed since he crossed our borders?"

Conley complained that the phenomenon is "not only a drain on police manpower but a financial drain on local law enforcement’s budgets and taxpayer’s money.

"In a 25-day period, this illegal alien caused terror in our community. We are glad he is off our streets, but will he be back?" Conley continued.

"Will he have a new identity? What other crimes has he committed since he crossed our borders?" the police chief went on to ask.

Castellanos-Orellana's apprehension came just days after Venezuelan illegal migrant Jose Antonio Ibarra was arrested for the murder of Georgia 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley.

Alleged killer was previously released under New York City's sanctuary policy

The Daily Mail noted that Ibarra was previously arrested this past fall in New York "acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 and a motor vehicle license violation."

However, authorities acted in accordance with New York City's sanctuary policy by releasing Ibarra before ICE could get a retainer issued.

Meanwhile, 25-year-old Salvadorian illegal migrant Nilson Trejo-Granados has been accused of fatally shooting a two-year-old in Maryland earlier this month.

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