Illinois Gov. Pritzker calls migrant crisis 'untenable,' demands changes

 October 3, 2023

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker (D) wrote a letter on Monday to the Biden administration, calling the migrant crisis "untenable" and demanding that the current system be overhauled. 

Pritzker complained that his state's resources were strained after Texas officials bused 15,000 migrants there in the last year.

Busloads of up to 1,250 migrants a day could be coming to the state in the future as the border crisis continues to intensify.

“Unfortunately, the welcome and aid Illinois has been providing to these asylum seekers has not been matched with support by the federal government,” Pritzker wrote. “Most critically, the federal government’s lack of intervention and coordination at the border has created an untenable situation for Illinois.”

Productive conversation

“Today, Illinois stands mostly unsupported against this enormous strain on our state resources,” Pritzker wrote.

“Mr. President, I urge you, [U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security] Mayorkas, and the rest of your administration to take swift action and intervene on our behalf and on behalf of the other affected states and their residents,” Pritzker continued, “as well as on behalf of the tens of thousands of asylum seekers who undertook a dangerous and difficult journey in hopes of attaining public safety and forging a better life for themselves and their families.”

The letter followed a conversation on Sunday between Pritzker, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, and White House Senior Advisor Tom Perez that the White House described as "productive."

The White House said that it has given Illinois more than $46 million in grants to support recently migrated people, which works out to more than $3,000 per migrant that has already come to the state.

As more immigrants come each day, though, those resources won't be nearly enough to handle the influx.

"Unfair" policies

Pritzker said it was unfair that "one state"--Texas--was able to send migrants to "a few certain states run by Democrats."

Texas has mainly done so because Democrats are responsible for the policies that are bringing in the massive influx. Biden has set up a system where the migrants know they will be let into the country, given a phone, and told they will have a hearing date months in the future.

Pritzker is not alone in his complaints; New York City Mayor Eric Adams has also criticized the administration and Texas for bussing thousands of migrants there as well.

What's difficult to understand is why these Democrat leaders of sanctuary cities and states don't seem to like it when migrants actually seek sanctuary in their cities and states.

Sanctuary policies seem great in theory, but in practice they are far more difficult to implement than these leaders ever thought.

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