Israeli Ambassador claims Iran will meddle in America's 2024 election

 September 21, 2024

You may not have heard of Danny Danon before, but he has an URGENT message for all Americans that PROVES Donald Trump may have been right all along.

For literally years, liberals have disputed Donald Trump's claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him by saying that it's IMPOSSIBLE that ANY election fraud occurred. As a result, it only brings credibility to Donald Trump each time we uncover new evidence that proves that election fraud is in fact VERY possible.

Danny Danon is the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations. During a recent interview on Fox News, he dropped a BOMB about America's upcoming presidential election:

"Iran will meddle in the 2024 elections more 'than you can imagine.'"

Danon made the claims during a "Your World" broadcast on Fox News on September 19, 2024.


Danny Danon has plenty of evidence that leads him to believe that Iran will resort to nefarious tactics this November, starting with a recent Iranian cyberattack. That cyberattack involved Iranian criminals sending messages to Israeli citizens warning them about a fake attack.

If Iran has the ability to meddle in Israel's infrastructure, Danon isn't so sure Iran will be willing to leave America's presidential election alone.

In fact, Danon is pretty much willing to wager the exact opposite. He's saying that America has "to be prepared for" an Iranian attack on our election.

Sound the alarm

Host Sandra Smith wanted to know what could be done about the situation:

"Throwing one other thing into the mix here, amid these escalating tensions, is the Iranian meddling in U.S. elections and the United States’ response to it. So, what do you — how would you generalize the United States’ response right now, obviously, as we work our way to a presidential election just weeks away now, and how we are responding to the growing threat that is Iran?" she asked.

Danon's answer PROVES that he's very serious:

"I’m sure you have the capabilities, but you have to be aware that the Iranians ignore protocol, they ignore diplomacy, they will be more involved than you can imagine. We see it in Israel, we have seen cyberattacks in the last 24 hours. They were actually texting millions of Israelis forced messages trying to scare them about an attack coming from Lebanon. They will do the same here. You have to be prepared for that."

ESPECIALLY if you think there were irregularities in the 2020 election, this is NOT something we should ignore.

What steps do you think need to be taken to protect against fraud in America's 2020 election?

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson