Jeffrey Epstein victim claimed she had sex with billionaire Lex Wexner, other American leaders

 January 13, 2024

The unsealed court documents from a 2015 civil lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre against accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and his partner Ghislaine Maxwell reveal startling claims by a key figure involved in the case.

Giuffre asserts engaging in multiple sexual encounters with prominent figures, including New Albany billionaire Les Wexner, a founder of the former L Brands.

The case

The lawsuit was settled in 2017, and U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska's recent order led to the release of previously redacted names and related documents.

In a 2016 deposition, Giuffre details allegations of sexual trafficking by Epstein, involving influential politicians and business leaders, including Wexner.

The deposition, now publicly disclosed for the first time, adds a layer of complexity to an already convoluted legal saga.

Allegations against Wexner

Les Wexner, who built a business empire including Victoria's Secret and other brands, has consistently denied any wrongdoing and professed ignorance regarding Epstein's illicit activities.

Wexner's representatives have refrained from responding to the latest allegations, emphasizing previous denials issued when Giuffre's claims first emerged.

Brad Edwards, an attorney representing Epstein victims, expressed skepticism in 2019 about Giuffre's deposition claims concerning Wexner.

The pushback

Edwards cited a lack of evidence linking Wexner to Epstein's actions, highlighting that the victims seldom interacted with Epstein and were unaware of his illicit activities.

Wexner's representatives also underscored a court document where Wexner categorically denied ever meeting Giuffre. In a letter filed in 2020, Wexner asserted his unawareness of and non-participation in Epstein's reprehensible behavior, and any claims suggesting otherwise were false.

The release of these documents raises questions about the extent of Wexner's involvement in Epstein's activities and the potential implications for his reputation.

During her deposition, Giuffre initially omitted Wexner's name and only responded when specifically questioned about their sexual encounters. Jeffrey Epstein, Wexner's former financial adviser and business manager, faced allegations of sexual misconduct in Florida in 2007. Epstein's financial ties with the Wexner family were severed after Wexner accused him of embezzling tens of millions of dollars.

Despite the inclusion of names in the unsealed documents, none of the figures, including Wexner, have faced criminal charges. The unsealed documents add complexity to the ongoing legal scrutiny surrounding Epstein's network and raise questions about accountability for those connected to the accused sex trafficker as the controversy continues long after Epstein's death and Maxwell's sentencing.

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