Jeffrey Epstein's brother Mark accuses Bill Barr of 'cover up'

 January 11, 2024

Jeffrey Epstein's brother accused former Attorney General Bill Barr of hiding the truth about the notorious pedophile's death in jail.

Epstein died at the Manhattan Correctional Center (MCC), a dingy, rat-infested lockup in New York, while awaiting charges for sex trafficking in August 2019.

The death was ruled a suicide, but the odd circumstances and his powerful connections led to immediate speculation that he was assassinated.

Epstein was left alone in his cell for hours and the surveillance cameras malfunctioned. The guards fell asleep and later falsified records to cover up their mistake.

Perfect storm or something darker?

At the time, Barr called it a "perfect storm of screw ups." A Justice Department report last year maintained that failures in the prison system allowed Epstein to take his own life.

Mark Epstein has long been suspicious of the official narrative.

"Yes, there were screw-ups, but that doesn’t mean that my brother was, you know, committed suicide because of screw-ups," Epstein told NewsNation's Leland Vittert.

Mark accused Attorney General Barr of scuttling a thorough investigation by prematurely labeling the death a suicide. The pathologists who examined Epstein's body considered the cause of death "pending," he said.

"Things like the EMT and the medical personnel at the hospital, none of them have ever been questioned," he continued. "They're always questioned, especially in high-profile cases."

Speculation lives on

A famous pathologist who Mark hired to observe the autopsy, Michael Baden, has said the injuries to Epstein's neck are more consistent with homicide by strangulation.

A noose fashioned out of an orange bedsheet was found in Epstein's cell, but there are no photographs of Epstein's body in the cell.

Mark Epstein said he believed his brother was not suicidal because of his request for bail, which was denied. Jeffrey Epstein was willing to pay a "very large bail" estimated at $150 million, Mark said.

"He had dirt on people, he told me in 2016 that he had dirt on then-presidential candidates," Mark said. "He didn't tell me what that dirt was."

"I wasn’t involved with his day-to-day life so I don’t know what he knows, but to go back to your initial question, why?" he continued. "I mean, you’d have to ask Bill Barr."

Continuing intrigue

Years after his death, Epstein remains an enduring topic of intrigue, with new details about his powerful connections to figures like Bill Clinton continuing to surface.

To this day, the only person held accountable for Epstein's crimes is his former girlfriend and pimp, Ghislaine Maxwell, who is serving 20 years in federal prison.

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