Jenna Bush Hager jokes about father's age in tribute video

 July 8, 2023

This past week saw former President George W. Bush celebrate his 77th birthday. According to Hello! magazine, one of the former president's daughters marked the occasion with a video poking fun at his age.

Jenna Bush Hager serves as co-host of NBC's "4th Hour with Hoda and Jenna" alongside Hoda Kotb, and on Thursday the pair aired a segment in which they attempted to guess whether or not a series of objects and institutions are older than Hager's father.

Bush is older than Velcro, younger than Spam

One example was Velcro, a product that Hager suspected to be older than her father but was actually created in 1954, eight years prior to his birth.

The fast food giant McDonalds also proved to be younger than the former president, having first come into existence in 1955. This fact led Kotb to remark, "So for your dad's first ten years, he never had a Big Mac."

Hager responded, "I doubt they got down to Midlands, Texas in the first ten years," before adding, "I bet he didn't have it until his tweens!"

Both host were correct in guessing that Spam is older than former President Bush; the processed meat product debuted to the public in 1937. Bush also proved to be younger than the Slinky but older than Rudolf the Red-Nose Reindeer.

Resemblance to Mr. Potato Head noted

At one point, Hager compared her father to Mr. Potato Head, joking, "By the way, do they kind of look alike? Not in a mean way, my dad is very cute, but there's something there."

Hello! noted that this was not the first time Hager has talked about her parents, as during an episode from November of 2022 she discussed her mother, former First Lady Laura Bush.

Hager recalled how she and twin sister Barbara Pierce Bush both looked up to the former first lady as their "steady rock," saying, "She was the most calm, we couldn't even understand it, we could not rattle her."

However, Hager did say that she and her sister had some awkward moments with their mother during their teenage years.

Former first lady "would try to be kind of cool"

"There were times when she would try to be kind of cool, she's going to disagree, but there were times we would go to Florida for the Rangers – the baseball spring training – and we'd be like walking around with her, and she'd be like 'Girls, look, there's some cute boys,'" Hagger explained.

"Look, Barbara and Jenna, they're cute!' Like we were supposed to go up and be like, 'Hi! Wanna hang?'" the former first daughter laughed.

Hager also had her mother and sister on the show in 2021 following the birth of niece Cora Georgia Coyne.

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