Jesse Watters to take Tucker Carlson's 8 pm slot

 June 27, 2023

After more than a month in limbo, Fox News has finally chosen a permanent host to replace former top host Tucker Carlson. Jesse Watters will be taking over Carlson's 8 p.m. slot as part of a wider primetime shakeup.

Laura Ingraham will take over Watters' current 7 p.m. slot, while Greg Gutfeld will move to Ingraham's 10 p.m. slot. and Sean Hannity will stay at 9 p.m. The new lineup will begin July 17.

The glib Watters is one of the most popular faces left at Fox in its chaotic post-Carlson era, but it remains to be seen if he can fill the shoes of Carlson, who regularly drew in over 3 million nightly viewers with his incisive commentary.

Carlson's replacement named

Ratings for Jesse Waters Primetime have generally hovered above 2 million.

Fox News has struggled with ratings since Carlson's firing, with primetime viewership cratering to 1.4 million in May, causing Fox to briefly lose its customary top spot in ratings to MSNBC.

“FOX News Channel has been America’s destination for news and analysis for more than 21 years and we are thrilled to debut a new lineup,” CEO Suzanne Scott said in a statement.

“The unique perspectives of Laura Ingraham, Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, and Greg Gutfeld will ensure our viewers have access to unrivaled coverage from our best-in-class team for years to come,” Scott added.

Fox struggles

Carlson has taken digs at Fox on his new Twitter show, mocking the conflict-averse "women who run the network" after a former Carlson producer was forced out for describing Biden as a "wannabe dictator" in a chyron that got a little too close to the truth.

Fox fired the remainder of Carlson's former staffers this week as part of its primetime shakeup.

The producers were working on Fox News Tonight, the anemic fill-in show that Fox rolled out as a temporary replacement for Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Carlson's former head writer Gregg Re blasted the "callous" way Fox executive Meade Cooper handled the firings, saying employees were told to "hunt around the Fox website to see if they could maybe find another gig."

Tucker on Twitter has racked up tens of millions of views per episode. Carlson has accused Fox of trying to silence him as a legal battle with the network drags on.

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