Jill Biden says Americans will "lose all of our rights" if Trump wins in November

 May 30, 2024

President Joe Biden continues to struggle in his race against former President Donald Trump, with a recent poll showing them tied in the Democrat-leaning state of Virginia.

That fact seems to have caused a sense of desperation among Democrats, as evidenced by a recent plea made by First Lady Jill Biden. 

First lady brings up "bloodbath" comment

According to Fox News, Mrs. Biden begged voters this week to "believe" Trump" when he uses words like dictator, bloodbath, third term, violence."

The first lady's statement was made during a Wednesday afternoon appearance on ABC's "The View" after she was asked by host Sara Haines "how much worse could it get in a second or third" Trump.

Her use of the term "bloodbath" recalled a speech Trump gave earlier this year which Democrats portrayed as being a call to violence.

Yet as Breitbart noted, a quick look at the context of his remarks shows that he was in fact warning of the damage Biden's policies will do to the auto industry.

Trump pledged to defend auto jobs

"We're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you're not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected," Trump asserted at a rally in March.

"Now if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that's gonna be the least of it," the former president declared.

"It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They're building massive factories," he went on to stress.

Mrs. Biden says Americans will "lose all of our rights"

Mrs. Biden then went on to assert that Trump would move to ban abortion, stating, "I mean, we have to have a choice, and Joe wants to codify [Roe v. Wade] and we have to."

The first lady went on to allege that Americans will "lose all of our rights" if Trump fills another vacancy on America's highest judicial body.

"We keep thinking this won't be taken away, but we cannot take things for granted because they can. And think of the Supreme Court for God's sake," Mrs. Biden cautioned.

"Talk about things getting worse. Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court? No. We will lose all of our rights. We are talking about all our rights, women's rights, gay rights," she added.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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