Jill Biden sells 'Bidenomics' in Georgia, Pennsylvania

 November 8, 2023

Jill Biden made stops in Pennsylvania and Georgia to campaign for her husband's increasingly shaky re-election bid on Wednesday.

Georgia and Pennsylvania were both flagged in a shock New York Times poll as battlegrounds where Biden is falling behind Donald Trump.

Jill Biden made swings through Augusta and Pittsburgh to push her husband's messaging on "Bidenomics," even as the cost-of-living soars.

Jill Biden hits GA, PA

Despite the downbeat mood of the American people, Jill struck an optimistic note - telling a crowd at a recycling plant in Augusta that a "bright, vibrant future" is ahead.

"A future that's filled with hope, one that everyone in this room can be a part of."

Jill also stopped at a former steel plant in Pittsburgh, where she similarly gushed about the state of the economy under her husband's guidance.

"Against all expectations, we are living in a time now where wages are going up, where the unemployment rate remains under four percent. Many people predicted that would not happen for years after the pandemic," she said.

Joe Biden often touts his ties to Pennsylvania - he was born in Scranton - to push a rustic, "working class" image. After a lifetime in politics, Biden is now a millionaire - known to his family's questionable business connections as "the big guy."

Both Augusta and Pittsburgh were designated "Workforce Hubs" as part of a Biden initiative to promote a "diverse" workforce. The other Workforce Hubs are Phoenix, Arizona, Columbus, Ohio, and Baltimore, Maryland.

Biden slumps...

The Biden campaign was knocked off its feet when the New York Times issued a poll that showed Biden losing to Donald Trump in 2024.

Biden was trailing Trump in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada - all battlegrounds that Biden narrowly carried three years ago. The poll found that Americans harbor serious doubts about Biden's age and trust Trump more to handle the economy.

Jill's focus on Georgia and Pennsylvania shows that her husband's campaign is leaving nothing up to chance.

But with her aging husband unable to keep up the pace of a full-fledged campaign, Jill has been crisscrossing the nation to do the job for him.

Jill clearly shares her husband's shameless ability to tell absurd lies about the country's prosperity. Surely America will be hearing a lot more from her in the future.

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