Jill Biden again campaigning on behalf of increasingly frail and incoherent President Biden

 May 18, 2024

A consistent majority of the American people harbor concerns about President Joe Biden's physical and mental capabilities to do the job for which he is seeking another four-year term.

The public's concerns appear to be not only justified but essentially confirmed by the increasingly frequent deployment of first lady Jill Biden as a top surrogate on the campaign trail for her elderly husband who is displaying a marked physical and mental decline.

Some critics suggest that Jill's many campaign trail appearances are evidence that Joe lacks the stamina and mental capacity to effectively govern the nation and run for re-election, which only further deepens the doubts about his ability to continue serving as the president for another four years.

Jill stays busy campaigning for Joe

On Friday, Michigan's UpNorthLive reported that first lady Biden and second gentleman Doug Emhoff made multiple campaign stops in the state's Upper Peninsula to rally support for the re-election of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

That included meetings with a couple of local Native American communities, which followed other events in Michigan on Thursday that were intended to engage women voters in the important swing state.

Thursday's events aligned with the "Women for Biden-Harris" nationwide program that the first lady launched in February on behalf of the Biden campaign, according to an Associated Press report at the time, which is focused on organizing and rallying female support for the incumbent administration.

That campaign within a campaign is crucial for Biden's re-election bid, given the substantial degree by which women voters made up the current president's winning coalition in the 2020 election.

In addition to that focus on women voters, ABC News reported in April that the first lady had also launched a separate mini-campaign dubbed "Educators for Biden-Harris," which as the name implies is centered on mobilizing support for Biden among teachers, school staffers, and parents.

Excuses, excuses

To be sure, President Biden, his wife, his campaign, and his ardent supporters -- including in the media -- will all insist that the elderly president is perfectly capable of managing the country and running for re-election simultaneously.

They will also further claim that the first lady's frequent appearances on the campaign trail on the president's behalf are nothing more than a display of her love and support for her husband and a natural choice to take advantage of her status as a woman and an educator.

Yet, while there is undoubtedly an element of truth there, that likely isn't the full story, and it seems clear to many Americans that Jill's surrogacy serves another, unstated purpose -- keeping the increasingly frail and not always coherent president sidelined in the White House, lest he sabotage his own efforts to win another term in office.

Majority of voters believe Biden is too old, lacks the mental fitness to be president

Earlier this month, The Hill reported on a NewsNation/Decision Desk HQ poll which found that roughly three-quarters of the American people had concerns that President Biden's advanced age and decreasing cognition have negatively impacted his ability to effectively serve as the nation's leader.

Likewise, The Washington Post just pointed to an April survey from Pew Research which found that 62% of Americans believed Biden lacked the "mental fitness needed to do the job" while a March poll from Marquette Law School revealed that 77% of voters thought Biden was "too old to be president."

Those results are consistent with other polls on the same subject of Biden's age and mental health, and despite the best efforts of the president's team, those views are only further cemented each time Biden utters a gaffe, nearly trips and falls, or wanders aimlessly on stage after delivering a disjointed speech.

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