Op-ed calls on Jill Biden to urge President Biden to exit 2024 race to 'save' the family and Democratic Party

 December 15, 2023

If the polls are to be believed, it is looking increasingly likely that President Joe Biden will lose a 2024 rematch against former President Donald Trump, and that is quite concerning to many Democrats and Trump opponents.

Those growing concerns have led some to call upon first lady Jill Biden to intercede on behalf of the Democratic Party -- and the nation as a whole, in the view of some -- and convince her husband to drop his bid for re-election to another term, according to an op-ed from The Hill.

The author of that op-ed, political consultant Douglas MacKinnon, suggested that the first lady may be the only person uniquely situated to simultaneously save from potential disaster the incumbent president, his family, Democrats, and America more broadly -- if she can get her husband to step aside next year.

Biden's age and fitness a real problem

In setting the stage for his big ask of the first lady, MacKinnon first looked at the relatively constant narrative about President Biden, being too old and too mentally unfit to continue to serve as president.

Indeed, at least weekly, if not near-daily, there are new examples of the elderly president -- Biden will be 82 at the time of the 2024 election and 86 upon leaving office after a second term -- and his increasingly frequent verbal gaffes and physical stumbles.

And whether due to the prevailing narrative or what they've witnessed with their own eyes, poll after poll shows that a growing majority of American voters -- including an ever-increasing portion of Democrats -- have serious doubts about Biden's apparent decline in terms of his physical capabilities and mental competence to effectively lead the nation.

Those legitimate concerns are undoubtedly a significant factor in why, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls, the incumbent president is consistently trailing his previously defeated predecessor and rival -- with the distance between them becoming slightly larger almost by the day.

Growing perception of Biden family corruption

Public concerns about his age and mental fitness are not President Biden's only problem in the run-up to the 2024 election, however, as MacKinnon also highlighted the potential legal woes facing him and his family, particularly his son Hunter Biden, and the public perception of corruption and dishonesty that shrouds his presidency.

With Hunter now facing multiple criminal indictments and amid mounting evidence of the Biden family's shady foreign business deals and influence-peddling uncovered by House Republican investigations, which the president may have personally benefited from but repeatedly lied about and for which he may face impeachment, a "blanket of corruption has seemingly -- and alarmingly -- settled over the Biden White House."

MacKinnon cited a recent op-ed from esteemed law professor Jonathan Turley, who in turn cited  recent polling which showed that "nearly 70 percent of voters (and 40 percent of Democrats) believe that Biden has acted unlawfully or unethically or both."

Jill Biden is the only one who can do it

Given all of that and more, and in light of the rapidly approaching 2024 election, MacKinnon wrote that "it’s becoming clear that there is only one person in the country who might be able to dissuade President Biden from seeking a second term. That person being his wife, Jill Biden."

He shared his view of the first couple's seemingly strong and loving relationship and belief that Jill had the "best interests" of her husband and family at heart, and asked, "possibly the most important political question of the election: To protect her husband and the greater Biden name, will the first lady quietly but insistently intercede to convince President Biden that it is in his best interests -- and that of their family -- not to run for reelection?"

MacKinnon's hope, which he asserted was shared by virtually every Democrat he personally knew, was that Biden would "step aside" and, in conjunction with the Democratic National Committee, clear the stage to allow for other younger and relatively stronger Democratic candidates to fight in a primary contest to be the president's successor,

He concluded, "As of now, it appears that only one person in the country can make those Democratic hopes become a reality: first lady Jill Biden."

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