Joe and Jill Biden have spent 265 days in Delaware since taking office

 October 4, 2023

First Lady Jill Biden is known for regularly taking her husband on vacation trips back to their home state of Delaware, something which has proven costly for the public. 

That fact was highlighted in an article put out this week by Delaware News Journal contributor Hannah Edelman, who pointed to President Joe Biden's official calendar as showing that he "has made 76 trips to Delaware since his inauguration."

President has spent 265 days in Delaware since taking office

The average duration of Biden's Delaware visits has been roughly three and a half days, although the president's longest stay stretched out to 11 days.

Edelman acknowledged that not all of these journeys represented time off, as some involved attending funerals or participating in official events.

Over the course of his term thus far, Biden has spent part or all of at least 265 days in Delaware. This tally includes days in which the president arrived at night or departed in the morning.

Federal grants do not cover the full cost of Biden's visits

Biden's visits haven't been cheap for local taxpayers, with Edelman noting that they have caused New Castle County to shelled out over $3.27 million for police and emergency medical services since the commander in chief took office.

In contrast, Sussex County has paid far less of a price, with a county spokesperson explaining that less than $2,500 has been paid out in overtime for paramedics assigned to presidential visits.

While grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are available to offset the costs to localities associated with presidential visits, the funds they provide still fall short.

Edelman reported that New Castle County received $930,859.47 worth of reimbursements for 2021 and another $739,222.96 the following year.

Biden told reporter he has "no home to go to" in Delaware

Biden made headlines during one Delaware trip last month when he bizarrely told a reporter that he has "no home to go to" when he's out of the White House.

According to the Associated Press, Biden made the unusual comment to a group of reporters on Sunday morning in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware after attending Mass at St. Edmond Roman Catholic Church.

"By the way, the reason I'm here today, just for one day, I know...I'm not on vacation. I'm not. I have no home to go to," the president insisted.

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