Joe Biden warns of climate change danger on fundraising trip to California

 June 20, 2023

KTVU reported that President Joe Biden travelled to the San Francisco Bay Area on Monday where he warned residents to remain alert about the supposed dangers of climate change. 

His first stop was the Lucy Evans Baylands Nature Center in Palo Alto where he touted an additional $600 million in funding for his climate change agenda.

President says climate change will grow "more ferocious"

"Folks, the impacts we're seeing in climate change are only going to get more frequent and more ferocious and more costly," the president was quoted as saying.

"But the worst thing impacts are not inevitable," he insisted, adding, "Building on our incredible effort locally, my administration is doing all we can to help recover and build. So we can be prepared during it and adapt."

Biden reiterated that message in a tweet, boasting that his administration has supported "the most significant climate investment law ever."

California seen "as an ATM" for Democratic politicians

In addition to ringing climate alarm bells, Biden also devoted some of his two-day-long visit to election fundraising activities.

Sonoma State University political science professor Dave McCuan spoke with KTVU, and he explained that California serves "as an ATM" for Democratic politicians.

What's more, McCuan added that Democrats regard the Golden State as a potential path to regaining their majority next year in the House of Representatives.

However, even if Biden is successful in securing additional campaign funds, that may not be enough to compensate for the weaknesses recent polls have alluded to.

Poll shows Biden trailing Trump

A CBS News poll carried out between June 7 and June 10 found that only 58% of Democrats think the president should run for reelection.

Among the 42% who said they did not want him to run again, 45% expressed doubts over his ability to finish another term in office while another 30% are dissatisfied with how he has thus far operated.

Meanwhile, a Harvard Caps/Harris survey conducted between June 14 and June 15 found that 40% of Americans "strongly disapprove" of Biden's job performance while another 13% "somewhat disapprove." What's more, it showed Biden trailing former President Donald Trump by six points.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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