Judge Aileen Cannon's deliberative approach may be a breath of fresh air for Trump

 November 25, 2023

A recent POLITICO article outlines how the upcoming trial involving claims of the former president retaining national security secrets at Mar-a-Lago marks a pivotal point in the legal cases surrounding former President Donald Trump.

Florida federal district Judge Aileen Cannon, appointed by Trump, is in the spotlight as the drama unfolds in her courtroom, as the publication reported.

Cannon, as a judge chosen by Trump, may provide a fresh perspective on the issue, but her actions and rulings will be scrutinized heavily no matter the outcome.

 Judge Cannon's Approach

As the one legal figure in charge of guaranteeing an equitable and impartial trial, Cannon's methodology demonstrates a steadfast dedication to the principles of due process.

The trial date of May 20 could be seen as holding serious importance, prompting inquiries into its potential impact of that date for the entirety of the legal proceedings, as well as Trump's bid for the presidency in 2024.

Succeeding in this case, involving classified information, requires extensive experience from the judge who will no doubt be put to the test. Prominent legal scholars, including Brian Greer and David Aaron, offer significant perspectives on the complexities that the court encounters.

Expert Take

These experts highlight the inherent challenges that arise when handling classified information during a trial, while acknowledging the complexities involved.

“It could be seen as a stealth attempt to delay the ultimate trial date without actually announcing that yet,” said Greer, a former Central Intelligence Agency attorney.

“There’s pretty much no chance they could go to trial on May 20 with the current schedule,” he added.

David Aaron, a former DOJ national security prosecutor, agreed, saying a May 20 trial is unlikely “unless a lot of discipline is imposed.”

Other Trump Cases

A good comparison can be made between this case and another high-profile federal criminal case against Trump that is being handled by Judge Tanya Chutkan in Washington. Chutkan is determined to stick to the trial schedule, while Cannon takes a more cautious approach.

Cannon's unwillingness to connect Trump's political schedule with the legal process appears to show the values she puts on the independence of the courts.

One thing that has made Cannon stand out during this hearing is her dedication to being fair. Despite the stress of the case, Cannon publicly turned down Trump's request to delay the trial, showing a commitment to fair and open proceedings.

Her measured approach to the pretrial process, as compared to counterparts like Judge Chutkan, seems to reflect a commitment to justice irrespective of political considerations.

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