Judge in Wade divorce interrupts Fani Willis lawyer's argument about avoiding deposition

 January 23, 2024

It stands to reason that amid allegations that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis had an affair with top prosecutor Nathan Wade--which neither of them have denied--she would want to avoid giving a deposition in his divorce case about whether they took vacations together and were romantic partners.

When Willis's attorney argued that she was too busy to give a deposition, however, the judge seemed like he wasn't having any of it

Willis "manages a staff of 360 plus lawyers and staff. She oversees … 20,000 open cases. She coordinates, on a monthly basis, at least 500 hundred or more cases," Willis attorney Cinque Axam told the judge. "Of course, the most recognizable issue is she’s dealing with the Fulton County election interference involving former President Trump."

Cobb County Judge Henry Thompson cut off Axam mid-argument to ask a very specific question about Willis.

"Unique knowledge"

"Let me interrupt you. Let me ask you just to focus on the part of the law that says the proposed opponent lacks unique personal knowledge of any matter that’s relevant. Are you saying that your client lacks unique personal knowledge that could not be discovered in some other way?" Thompson asked.

Axam replied that the case had been ongoing for two years, but Willis's subpoena had only been issued a few weeks earlier.

"I think there are other means by which that information can be retrieved in the case," Axam said.

Jocelyn Wade's attorney has submitted records showing that Willis and Wade bought plane tickets for each other, which seems to suggest that they traveled together.

Lots of vacations

The filings showed Wade taking trips to San Francisco and Napa Valley, Florida, Belize, Panama and Australia and has taken Caribbean cruises since the divorce filing.

Other records show that Willis took some of these trips with Wade.

If Willis gives a deposition in Wade's divorce case, it could harm both of them by letting more information out into the public about their affair.

If neither one of them has denied the affair in the weeks since they were accused of it, it stands to reason that it's probably true.

The Trump election interference case is now on shaky ground because of Willis and Wade's relationship and the ethical quandary it presents.

They obviously thought no one would ever know about their relationship, but now their entire plan to take Trump down could be in jeopardy.

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Thomas Jefferson
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