Judge Merchan will avoid reversing Trump conviction at all costs

 July 16, 2024

Alan Dershowitz, a respected attorney, recently gave some insight into what Judge Juan Merchan in New York might be thinking after the Supreme Court recently came to Donald Trump's defense as a result of our former president being convicted on 34 counts of business fraud.

Despite the Supreme Court saying that Donald Trump should enjoy immunity for "official" acts when he was in office, Dershowitz is promising that Judge Juan Merchan is going to "do everything in his power" to make sure that the conviction of Donald Trump is never reversed.

After America's Supreme Court dropped the ruling in early July, Judge Juan Merchan pushed back Trump's sentencing date. Maybe Merchan pushed it back because he needed some time to appropriate interpret how the Supreme Court says this case should be governed.

Or maybe he pushed it back for a more sinister reason.

Sure, pushing the sentencing date back gives Donald Trump some breathing room to get everything in order before learning his fate, but don't think this doesn't benefit liberals as well. While they probably would have preferred to sentence Trump sooner rather than later, the delay gives them a chance to figure out how it can still be done despite the Supreme Court saying otherwise.

You can bet your bottom dollar that liberal lawyers and think tanks are scouring America's rules and regulations for any technicalities or laws that would enable them to still hold Trump accountable for actions that the Supreme Court says he should enjoy immunity for.

Dershowitz is promising that Merchan is going to do everything in his power to avoid letting the jury's verdict be reversed. It was a miracle that Merchan and Bragg were able to get a guilty conviction from the jury, considering the weak evidence and unreliable witnesses that were a part of the case.

As a result, Merchan knows that liberals really want to keep this conviction intact, because it might not happen again.

Dershowitz revealed their strategy:

"The Supreme Court held in the last week of the term that you need unanimous jury verdicts in order to enhance punishment, in order to do what happened in this case," Dershowitz claimed, reference the Supreme Court's 6-3 decision in Erlinger v. United States.

"Remember, in this case, without unanimous jury verdicts, without a unanimous jury verdict, you had turning a misdemeanor into a felony, changing the statute of limitations and enhancing the punishment, that’s possible, and you didn’t need a unanimous jury verdict for that. You didn’t even need to know which crimes the jurors focused on. You could have had multiple choice: Some jurors focusing on this, some on this, some on the other, some by a vote of seven to five, some by vote of six to six, who knows?"

Erlinger v. United States established that "under the Fifth and Sixth Amendments, a jury had to find unanimously beyond a reasonable doubt on the facts used to justify imposing a sentencing enhancement."

"I think the New York case has to be reversed, and I think that’s why Judge Merchan will do everything in his power not to reverse the case, postpone the sentencing until September, to give him some time to perhaps come up with some justifications for not reversing," Dershowitz continued.

Merchan has clearly been fighting against Trump from the very beginning of this trial. Many people were shocked to learn that Merchan apparently gave a big speech to the jury that reportedly encouraged them to find Trump guilty even if the evidence didn't add up that way.

Donald Trump clearly has most of liberal America fighting against him.

After the disaster at his rally on July 13, it's more clear now than ever before that Trump will NEVER stop fighting. For justice, or for us.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson