Judge removed in Young Thug trial

 July 18, 2024

To say that Fani Willis is having a rough few months would be an understatement.

After becoming famous for being put in charge of the sham case against President Donald Trump, Fani Willis has suffered embarrassment after embarrassment.

Perhaps Fani Willis just isn't cut out to handle the pressures of being a national public figure. She's encountered countless problems since biting off more than she could chew, with her most recent gaffe possibly being one of her worst.

Judge in criminal trial of rapper Young Thug replaced

Fani Willis' case against Young Thug has been a bit of a preview for America on how Fani Willis is likely to approach another celebrity when she prosecutes him, Donald Trump.

So far, Fani Willis appears to have dropped the ball when prosecuting Young Thug. She's made such major errors in fact, that the judge on the case was removed and replaced by one who's supposedly less corrupt.

Fani Willis got the first judge in MAJOR trouble when it was revealed that her prosecutors had secretly met with the judge regarding Young Thug's case without notifying Young Thug or his lawyers. I'm not saying that this gentleman named Young Thug is innocent of the charges against him, but I am saying that even somebody who's name is Young Thug deserves a fair and honest trial.

If Fani Willis was willing to bend the rules and have secret meetings with the Young Thug judge behind the Defense's back, then imagine what she would be willing to do to Donald Trump when the pressure to secure a guilty verdict would be ramped up to 11.

Illegally meeting with the judge in the Young Thug case is hardly the first major mistake Fani Willis has made lately, however.

Then there's Nathan Wade

As if being part of the liberal witch hunt against Donald Trump wasn't enough notoriety, Fani Willis decided to crank up the scandal meter by having an affair with the married man who she appointed to prosecute Donald Trump, Nathan Wade.

Everyone makes mistakes, and Willis should be forgiven for her sins, but there's no doubt that her credibility has been completely torn to shreds.

First of all, Nathan Wade was a married man. This fact alone brings into question Fani Willis' ethics, although fans of Donald Trump probably shouldn't get too hung up on a little adultery.

Second of all, Nathan Wade was reporting to Fani Willis at the time. He wasn't technically an employee of Willis, but there's no doubt that their interactions were completely over the line no matter how you define their working relationship.

Third of all, Fani Willis has been shown to be completely corrupt not only in her personal life, but in her professional one as well. Anybody with half a brain knows that one side of the case can't be colluding in secret with the judge, but Willis tried to get away with it anyway.

Fani Willis isn't out to get the truth. She's out to make herself famous and destroy Donald Trump.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson