Justice Amy Coney Barrett details coming home with bulletproof vest

 September 8, 2024

In case you needed anymore proof that we need some serious help in America, Amy Coney Barrett has the evidence for you:

Amy Coney Barrett recently talked about the dangers and difficulties of being a Supreme Court justice, revealing that things got so bad at one point "she was sent home from the court with a bulletproof vest and her 13-year-old son saw it tossed on a bed."

America HAS to do better than this in terms of political violence, and it starts on the left.

Amy Coney Barrett

Amy Barrett thought that her son would be horrified by the vest. Instead, he was impressed.

"He said, ‘That’s so cool! Can I try it on?’" she claimed.

But then her son seemed to realize it was something serious:

"Why do you have a bulletproof vest?"

It was a question that Amy Barrett didn't have a great answer for. Especially because she works with people everyday that she disagrees with, but never considers turning to violence:

"On the court, justices are sparring over ideas, not one another," Barrett said. "It’s not personal."

It could even be argued that Amy Coney Barrett isn't even the conservative who should be most worried for their safety right now...

Donald Trump

If stories about bulletproof vests aren't moving enough for you, how about a situation where a prominent conservative was literally shot?

I'm sure you might still remember exactly where you were when you heard that Donald Trump had been shot by gunman Thomas Crooks in Butler, Pennsylvania, in July 2024.

While there isn't definitive proof that Thomas Crooks was put up to his heinous actions by America's federal liberals, they are definitely responsible for creating some of the sentiment that makes people think they should do things like this. Simply listen to somebody like Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, or Kamala Harris speak.

They aren't worried about progress, they aren't worried about making this country better, and they aren't worried about holding their friends accountable. Instead, they're worried about rigging the system so that they and other federal liberals have an unfair leg up on almost literally everyone else in this country.

Nancy Pelosi doesn't make decisions based on what's best for voters, she makes decisions based on what's best for her stock portfolio. Unfortunately, the thing that's been helping liberals the most in recent years is simply creating hatred toward the right, and now we're seeing the fruits of their labor.

People like Amy Coney Barrett and Donald Trump shouldn't be fearing for their life simply because of their political beliefs, but that's exactly the type of atmosphere that Kamala Harris and the rest of America's liberals have created.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson