Kamala Harris' father once called her remarks a 'travesty'

 August 29, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris is under the spotlight like never before, and new revelations uncovered what's behind her seemingly distant relationship from her own father, who lives less than a mile away from her in Washington D.C. 

According to the Daily Mail, Donald J. Harris, who was described as a "radical Marxist," has never once visited his daughter at the White House, according to public visitor logs, even though he owns a home down the road.

Additionally, there are no photographs of the two together, which seems to prove that the two are not associated, at least in the public eye.

While she was a senator from California, VP Harris' father once scolded her publicly for a remark she made about her Jamaican heritage as it relates to marijuana usage, calling her words a "travesty."

What's going on?

At the time VP Harris was promoting her memoir, she rejected the suggestion that she was opposed to making marijuana legal.

"That's not true. And look, I joke about it, half joking – half my family's from Jamaica, are you kidding me?" Harris said at the time, sparking backlash from her father, whose family is Jamaican.

After previously gushing about his daughter prior to the statement, Donald J. Harris' tone changed, significantly, as he publicly excoriated her for making such a remark and pushing the stereotype.

"My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents must be turning in their grave right now. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty," the elder Harris said at the time.

While Kamala Harris or her campaign didn't respond to her father's comments at the time, Donald Harris eventually walked them back to some degree, declaring in an interview that he would stay out of politics.

"I have decided to stay out of all the political hullabaloo by not engaging in any interviews with the media," he told Politico.

Dropping hints

VP Harris, on several occasions, has hinted that her relationship with her father was rocky, if not non-existent.

The Daily Mail noted:

Kamala's true feelings for her father remain opaque. In 2021, the Vice President told the Washington Post that they were on 'good terms'.

Two years later, a statement to the San Francisco Weekly was more nuanced. 'My father is a good guy, but we are not close,' she said.

In a speech, she also suggested that it was "mostly" her mother who raised Harris and her siblings.

Only time will tell what else is revealed about Harris as the election nears.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson