Kamala Harris Has Exploited Her 'Marginalized' Status To Boost Her Career

 July 30, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris is firmly in the limelight after she took over President Joe Biden's reelection campaign and that limelight is exposing some damning facts about Harris's past.

Harris has nothing to offer the American people outside of her racial identity and her gender. Her performance as Biden's border czar and complicity in the immigration crisis means that her campaign must stay away from policy as much as possible. 

Former President Donald Trump is dominating in the polls largely because of his stance on immigration and his promises to undo the damage done by Biden and Harris.

Aside from the border, Harris is one of the most radical Democrats in the party and those policies aren't popular with an unhappy and anxious electorate.

So instead, Harris is leaning into her identity as a "woman of color" in hopes of taking the election because America "needs" a black woman President. Forget concerns about the economy and wars breaking out around the globe, we need a woman in the Oval Office.

Propaganda Machine In Full Swing

Harris is already being praised as the first Democratic nominee who could become the first multiracial female president.

Being multiracial and female means Harris is near the top of the leftist victim pyramid meaning she has incredible status. That status has gotten her to the position she's currently in as Biden openly stated he was going to select a black woman to be his VP.

Before that, she was a Senator out of California which is arguably the most liberal state in the nation so it was the perfect place for Harris to rise to the top.

What's interesting is that Harris was born to a Jamaican father and an Indian mother and during her run for the Senate in 2016 she advertised herself as Indian, not African-American, which changed again when she was running for President in 2020.

All of this makes it clear that Harris's team does not want voters looking at Harris's record.

Going back to her time as a prosecutor in California, Harris's record isn't just bad, it's outright disqualifying.

Harris's Dirty Secrets

For many, seeing the media and the DNC uphold Harris as a paragon of the African-American community is insulting. Harris is the definition of a dirty prosecutor who zealously charged for minor offenses and even kept prisoners locked up past their sentence.

Harris fought against the release of prisoners arguing that it would lead to a shortage of able prisoners able to be used to fight California wildfires.

Harris was also deeply involved in the passage of California's Proposition 47 which reduced a host of crimes from felonies to misdemeanors leading to an explosion of crime. One of those crimes that was reduced was the possession of date rape drugs.

This is just the surface of Harris's horrific past and the deeper you go, the more clear the reason for this massive propaganda campaign becomes. The only way Harris wins in November is if the media can convince enough Americans that identity politics are the only lens for choosing a president.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson