Kamala Harris has lower approval rating than Dick Cheney did after hunting accident

 June 30, 2023

While Vice President Kamala Harris has long struggled with low approval numbers, that problem recently reached catastrophic levels.

According to the Washington Examiner, Harris is now less popular than former Vice President Dick Cheney was right after he accidently shot one of his friends.

Less than one in three voters approve of how Harris has handled her job

The Examiner cited a poll commissioned by NBC News and carried by Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies between June 16 and June 20.

It found that 49% of registered voters have a negative opinion of Harris compared with just 32% expressing approval of her approval.

The Examiner noted that this is the lowest approval rating that a vice president has ever garnered in the poll's history, surpassing even the figure received by Cheney following a 2006 hunting accident.

Cheney was on a quail hunt in Texas when he inadvertently shot Texas attorney and Republican political activist Harry Whittington with a blast from his shotgun.

Democratic strategist blames race and gender for low approval numbers

Whittington sustained wounds to his face, neck and chest and went on to suffered a minor heart attack due to a pellet being lodged close to his heart.

Cornell Belcher is a Democratic strategist, and he told Axios that Harris' race and gender are to blame for her terrible approval rating.

"[It] shouldn't surprise anyone that there is going to be a different filter and a different focus put on the first woman to ever be Vice President of the United States, particularly a woman of color," he insisted.

However, the NBC News poll didn't just carry bad news for Harris, as it also found that 53% of voters disapprove of his job performance compared with only 43% who expressed approval.

Poll shows Biden trailing Trump ahead of next year's election

Yet even those numbers don't tell the whole story, as there is a significant intensity gap between those who approve of the way the president has operated and those who don't.

Whereas 43% say they "strongly disapprove" of how Biden has handled his presidency, only 18% indicate that they "strongly approve."

Also troubling for the president are the results of another survey from last week that was conducted by HarrisX for The Messenger.

It found that Biden trails former President Donald Trump by two points when respondents were ask who they will vote for in next year's election, a disparity which was just outside the poll's 1.8% margin of error.

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