Ketanji Brown Jackson's husband descended from slave owners

 June 21, 2023

Supreme Court justice Ketanji Brown's husband is descended from slave owners, a new report found.

The analysis came from, of all newspapers, the vehemently liberal Washington Post.  

Jackson is the descendant of former slaves, but her husband Patrick Jackson descends from a long line of New England elites.

His ancestors include a king of England, a signer of the Constitution and passengers on the Mayflower, the Post reported.

KJB's slavery connection

Genealogist Christopher C. Child, of the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston, told the paper that Patrick Jackson's ancestor Peter Chardon Brooks was "the richest man in New England when he died, having made his fortune insuring ships, including some involved in the slave trade."

On his mother's side, Jackson's ancestors owned up to 189 slaves in the decade before 1860. Child was quoted as saying that "every male ancestor of Patrick’s maternal grandfather over the age of 21 alive in 1850 or 1860 was a slaveowner."

Since rising to the nation's highest court, Jackson has established a reputation as a pointed and talkative judge, eclipsing her colleagues in the number of words spoken from the bench.

She has consciously embraced the symbolism of her appointment, describing herself as "the dream and hope of the slave" in a speech on the White House lawn last year. Biden controversially chose Jackson to fulfill a pledge to specifically choose a black woman for the job.

What are the odds?

She has previously acknowledged that she and her "Boston Brahmin" husband make an "unlikely pair," but this is the first time the slavery connection was reported.

"We had two people who loved each other, and that was enough. You can’t rewrite history. It is what it is," Jackson's uncle, Calvin Ross, told The Post.

The pairing is certainly ironic and strikingly improbable, given the doubtless low number of Americans with any link to slavery in the first place.

An estimated 40 percent of the U.S. population traces at least one ancestor to Ellis Island, the gateway for European immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, after slavery was already illegal.

Still, the idea of slavery, or white supremacy, as America's original sin has gained traction in recent years, with liberals pushing schemes to make amends through the payment of reparations.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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