Latest jobs report shows a cooldown in March hiring

 April 8, 2023

The latest jobs report indicates that hiring slowed down during the month of March. 

According to the Daily Caller, President Joe Biden has responded by attempting to place blame on "extreme MAGA Republicans."

The numbers

The latest jobs report, for the month of March 2023, was released on Friday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Significantly, March 2023 is the first time in the last year that the hiring figures failed to meet experts' expectations. The predictions were around 239,000.

The report confirms the fact that the hiring numbers, under Biden's leadership, continue to head in the wrong direction. There was a net gain of 504,000 jobs in January, 311,000 in February, and now only 236,000 in March.

If there is a silver lining to the jobs report it is unemployment. The report shows the unemployment rate dropping to 3.5%. In February, it was at 3.6%.

Biden responds

Biden issued a statement in response to the jobs report. And, in this statement, Biden tried to do two things: paint it in the best light possible and blame any problems on "extreme MAGA Republicans."

"This is a good jobs report for hard-working Americans," Biden claimed, "My Investing in America agenda is building an economy that benefits hard-working Americans in every community across the country, not just those at the top."

From there, Biden transitioned to the "extreme MAGA Republicans."

He said:

Extreme MAGA Republicans in Congress, on the other hand, are threatening to wreak havoc on our economy with debt limit brinkmanship. Their extreme agenda would send the unprecedented investments we’ve made here in America – along with the jobs that come with it – overseas. And it’s all to pay for even more giveaways to the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations. Make no mistake, I will stop those efforts to put our economy at risk and take us back to the failed policies of the past.

Americans aren't buying it

Biden, on Thursday, received a particularly unfavorable poll from CNN, of all outlets.

The poll put Biden at 42% approval. But, it also showed that Americans aren't happy with Biden's handling of the key issues - including the U.S. economy.

CNN reports:

His approval ratings for handling immigration (35% approve), the economy (37%) and gun policy (37%) all fall significantly below his overall approval rating. On national security (44% approve) and the US relationship with China (40% approve), his numbers are about the same as his overall approval rating. The only issue on which Biden significantly outperforms his overall standing is environmental policy, and even there, most disapprove (46% approve, 52% disapprove).

The poll would suggest that Biden's continuous attempts to blame everything on "extreme MAGA Republicans" just aren't working.

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