Leaked report exposes surge of illegal migrant encounters on southwest border during Christmas weekend

 December 27, 2023

President Joe Biden's lax enforcement policies have left the nation's southwest border unsecured and resulted in a chaotic surge of illegal crossings by migrants and traffickers that have overwhelmed the agents and officials assigned to work there.

According to an unofficial leaked report, U.S. Border Patrol agents in all nine sectors of the southwest border encountered nearly 30,000 migrants who illegally crossed the border over the long Christmas holiday weekend, Breitbart reported.

That figure is a low estimate of the true number of illegal crossings over the holiday weekend as it reportedly doesn't account for migrants who entered the country illegally but haven't yet been processed by Border Patrol agents, nor does it include the known and unknown numbers of "gotaways," or migrants who were observed entering illegally but never apprehended by agents.

Leaked report reveals extent of Biden's open borders policies

Per Breitbart's article on the leaked Border Patrol report, most of the nearly 30,000 migrants who entered the country illegally between ports of entry over the extended Christmas weekend did so in just two of the southwest border's nine separate sectors -- Del Rio in Texas and Tucson in Arizona.

Between Dec. 21-25, it is estimated that more than 12,000 illegal migrants were encountered in the Del Rio sector while more than 12,500 were encountered in the Tucson sector.

The leak of that unofficial report followed the quiet release on Friday by Customs and Border Protection of the total numbers of border crossings, apprehensions, and drugs seized along the border during November, which included more than 191,000 illegal crossings between ports of entry -- a number that climbed to more than 242,000 when entrants at the legal ports are also factored in.

November also saw a 35% increase in illicit drug seizures at the border, including a 55% increase in methamphetamine, 22% increase in cocaine, 8% increase in fentanyl, and 7% increase in heroin.

The nation's borders are out of control

Breitbart reported that in just the first two months of Fiscal Year 2024, which began in October, approximately 380,000 migrants were encountered and apprehended along the nation's borders.

Those numbers put the current FY24 on track to roughly equal the total number of migrant encounters in FY23, according to a House Homeland Security Committee fact sheet, which revealed in October that more than 3.2 million migrants were encountered nationwide over the year, including more than 2.4 million on the southwest border alone.

FY23's figures were noted to be the "worst ever" and were up around 4% over 2022, 40% over 2021, and more than 100% higher than 2019. The year's numbers also included the apprehensions of hundreds of known terrorists and gang members and more than 35,000 migrants with criminal records, plus the seizure of more than 27,000 pounds of deadly fentanyl.

Per the committee's memo, since President Biden took office in January 2021, more than 7.5 million migrants who entered the nation illegally were encountered, including more than 6.2 million along the southwest border, with at least 1.7 million "gotaways" -- which only counts those migrants who were actually observed crossing the border illegally but were never apprehended and processed.

Border crossings temporarily closed amid unprecedented surge

The surge of illegal immigration over the months of November and so far in December were so bad, according to a Reuters report nearly two weeks ago, that U.S. officials were forced to close two cross-border rail bridges in Texas, in Eagle Pass and El Paso, to halt the use of those trains to smuggle migrants across the border.

Those closures followed close on the heels of the temporary closure of several other legal ports of entry so that agents and officials could be redeployed to areas between ports of entry where the border was being overrun and overwhelmed and to help process the unprecedented number of migrants being encountered.

Meanwhile, the Associated Press reported that Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in response to a reported request from President Biden to do more to stop the flow of migrants toward the U.S. border, said in a statement that he would do so, albeit only if the Biden administration lifted sanctions and opened up relations with the socialist governments of Cuba and Venezuela.

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