Logs show George Soros' son is a frequent visitor at the Biden White House

 January 4, 2024

Politico reported in 2022 that left-wing billionaire George Soros was "atop the list of the biggest Democratic donors" during that year's midterm elections.

However, Soros's influence over the Biden administration may be even bigger than previously thought, as new documents reveal that his son is a frequent White House visitor. 

At least eight White House visits last year

According to the Washington Examiner, 38-year-old Alex Soros made at least eight trips to the White House between February and September.

Those visits were recorded in White House log books reviewed by the newspaper, and they were made in addition to meetings he had with high-ranking Democrats on Capitol Hill.

What's more, the younger Soros also appears to have made a stop at the private residence of Vice President Kamala Harris this past May.

Soros called "a White House insider"

Alex Soros' access to the Biden administration did not go unnoticed by Tom Fitton, who serves as president of the conservative group Judicial Watch.

"Not many people just get to visit the White House eight times in a year to talk policy," Fitton said, adding, "It makes him a White House insider. There's a public interest in knowing what Alex was talking about at the Biden White House."

Caitlin Sutherland is executive director of the conservative watchdog Americans for Public Trust, and she offered a similar perspective.

"As voters begin to tune in to the 2024 election, they deserve to know the extent to which the Soros dark money machine is exerting massive influence over the most prominent liberal leaders and elected officials in Congress and the Biden administration," she told the Examiner.

Alex Soros says he is "more political" than his father

The Associated Press reported last June that George Soros was "ceding control" of his $25 billion investment empire to Alex, who was also expected to take on a bigger role in left-wing activism.

Alex Soros was quoted as telling the Wall Street Journal that while he and his father tend to "think alike," he considers himself to be "more political."

The younger Soros pledged that he will build on his father's "liberal aims" and devote greater resources to promoting abortion and gender equity.

The Examiner noted that both George and Alex Soros have been major financial backers of such figures as House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, and Connecticut Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy.

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