Longtime journalist Bernard Kalb dead at 100

 January 9, 2023

Journalist Bernard Kalb, who long served as a commentator for CNN, died on Sunday at the age of 100.

Kalb's death in his home in North Bethesda, Maryland, was due to complications after a fall, according to his brother.

His career

"In a career spanning six decades, Mr. Kalb became a high-profile journalist who crossed paths with some of the most intriguing personalities of his generation. When he was a young Army journalist during World War II, his editor was the detective-story master Dashiell Hammett — 'a bayonet of a man,' Mr. Kalb later recalled, and a 'giant of an author who took a bunch of semiliterate kids and turned them into amateur newsmen,'" the Washington Post wrote.

"At the New York Times after the war, Mr. Kalb worked his way from the radio desk to overseas assignments. He accompanied polar explorer Adm. Richard E. Byrd to the South Pole in the winter of 1955-1956," it added.

His later years

"In 1992 Kalb became the founding anchor of “Reliable Sources,” which reported on reporters and how they handled stories. Co-host Howard Kurtz took over the show after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks," NBC News reported.

"In 1997 Kalb began moderating a number of panels and lectures on the press around the world for The Freedom Forum, a Washington-based foundation devoted to press freedom run by former Gannett Co. executives," it added.

Kalb's work also included a stint in the Reagan administration that ended in controversy.

"Then in 1984, Kalb joined the Reagan administration in the position of assistant Secretary of State for public affairs," The Hollywood Reporter noted.

"But that stint as a U.S. State Department spokesperson was a short-lived as Kalb abruptly resigned in October 1986 as he criticized a 'disinformation program' to remove Moammar Gadhafi as leader in Libya launched by the Reagan administration," it added.

Kalb's long career literally took him around the world, including Antarctica, to share stories in entertaining ways.

His full century of life was one filled with memories, including many on television and shared with millions of others.

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