Maine Governor Janet Mills signs late term abortion bill

 July 8, 2023

Maine Governor Janet Mills (D) signed a bill for medically necessary abortions on Thursday that removed criminal penalties for abortion providers who are not licensed by the state.

The legislation read, "After viability an abortion may be performed only when it is necessary in the professional judgment of a [licensed] physician." The problem is this bill left too much room for physicians to determine the threshold for when an abortion becomes an option.

The new bill makes it so an abortion can be conducted at any stage of the pregnancy if approved and facilitated by a doctor.

This bill was written to make abortion as accessible as possible, a grave evil considering that will lead to many viable children being butchered by doctors with a profit motive.

Abortion fight ongoing

Ever since the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade and struck down Constitutional abortion rights Democrats have been hard at work trying to shore up abortion in individual states.

Elayne Richard of Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights reacted to the bills passage saying, "We are proud of the majority of our lawmakers for expressing their trust in pregnant Mainers, and for standing up to the intimidation and stigma of those who support forced pregnancy and birth. We who have been in this fight for half a century don’t plan to quit any time soon."

Those who fought for this bill aren't talking in terms of medically necessary procedures, but rather they are campaigning for abortion on demand.

Since public opinion has shifted and they can't rely on Roe v. Wade, abortion activists now have to disguise their evil plans behind the facade of medical necessity.

Many studies and surveys have found that an extremely small minority of abortions are done because of physical or fetal health complications.

An overwhelming number of abortions are elective and are done for reasons ranging from being unprepared to have a child to interrupted education and job plans.

Maine an abortion haven

The passage of this new bill has made Maine one of the least restrictive states in the nation when it comes to abortion.

Senator Eric Brakey of Auburn (R) was one of the bills greatest opponents and specifically demanded an amendment to the bill that would have required a fatal diagnosis for the mother or fetus necessitating an abortion.

This demand was rejected and the bill passed with its open language that establishes no standards for how doctors determine when an abortion is appropriate.

Maine joins Alaska, Colorado, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon and Vermont, plus Washington, D.C. in being the only states to leave abortion decisions entirely to a mother and doctor.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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